3/30 - Jeremiah started cooing. He also can make minimal forward progress along the bed when waking up.
Joy says "my do it" for many things. She also pronounces "water" correctly now instead of saying "wow". She's also really good at remembering to say thank you. (Sounds like "dankt you")
4/7 - Jonathan, as we were walking to church: "The air tastes fresh and crisp like a Cortland apple." (This is from the boy who during school time says he can't write poetry. I think what he really means is he doesn't like to write poetry when constrained by meter and rhyme.)
4/17 - Joy, starting to progress to full sentences, "Uh-oh, where my coat?"
That same evening, Joy put away the pasta sauce from dinner, scooping it out of the pot into a container all by herself. Yes, there were drips on the table, but not too bad, really.
4/22 - We had a young friend over for lunch, and she wondered if Mr. Daley was going to come have lunch. Here is Noah's response, summarizing Daddy's life: "He sleeps, then he eats breakfast, then he works, works, works, then he eats dinner, then he sleeps, then he eats breakfast, then he works, works, works, ..."
I might add, on some days, some more "works, works, works" after dinner and before sleep. I hope his customers are thankful for him! (We are thankful for them - and him!)
4/22 - Me, to Joy, "Why is your hair all wet?" Joy, "Um . . . water?"
A picture of Jonathan at about 3-4 months came up on our computer - it has been confirmed: Jeremiah looks like Jonathan! Joy was convinced it was "Miah".
That reminds me. Joy says all of our names now: "Daddy, Mommy, Djon, Noah, Thae, Me, Miah"
Posted by
Heather Daley on
April 23, 2013, 7:10 am
| Read 8387 times
This customer is thankful for all his work that puts food on your table, and the table in the kitchen, and the kitchen in the house, as well as the work that gives Li'l Writer Guy a voice!
And thankful to you for this update.
I like Jonathan's poetry. I suspect he also dislikes having to come up with poetry on demand. But if he listens to enough good poetry, he'll come to understand that meter and rhyme are structures for poetry to climb on, like a tomato cage or a bean pole.
Jonathan's blessed with a gift for rich sensory image and content.
Puzzling for meter and rhyme offers additional fun.
(It took me at least five extra minutes to rearrange what I'd written into an elegiac couplet, but making it comes with great satisfaction. I think Jonathan could write a two-liner like that, or simpler structures such as haiku or Elfchen.)
Elfchen does not exist in the English wikipedia, but there is and English page describing it to be found from google. (: I think he might like that one!
Now that I've looked up Elfchen, Heather, I believe you did that, or something very near it, at Forest City. With the Your Name, etc. format found
Oops, messed up the html somehow. I meant http://www.blueplanetwriters.org/elfchens
I keep reading the first line as, "Jeremiah started cooking." That's a bit early, even for your family.