This is short but my pocket notes are full and I need a new paper.

9/25 - Noah, wearing his Swiss tshirt and red shorts, "This is my hockey outfit.  My hockey team is called Swiss Fire!"

In lieu of nursing for any length of time (which is very irritating when pregnant and seems to get more so each pregnancy) I will sing to Faith as we go to bed.  Her favorite hymn is Holy Holy Holy and she will sing along with me, allternating pronunciation between "hohee" and "hodee".  So sweet!

Can't remember the day.  Jon overheard Jonathan talking to Noah as they were getting ready for bed.  "Don't wear that kind of shirt to bed.  You grow in the middle of the night and you might not be able to get it off!"

9/28 - Opening a letter from Grandma:  Noah, "I know what it is: cool stuff!"  It was some more Sunshine Math pages.  Noah exclaimed, "I LOVE Sunshine Math!"  Jonathan replied, rather reluctantly as if he didn't want to admit it, "Yeah, Sunshine Math is pretty fun."

Posted by Heather Daley on October 1, 2010, 2:56 pm | Read 10170 times
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1:00 and 269th place. Now I officially quit this ridiculous addiction for a mother of a 3-month-old . . .

Posted by IrishOboe on October 7, 2010, 7:51 am

Good for you! 1:15 is my best now. Ridiculous addiction, I agree, but a very nice, quick break to clear the mental cobwebs.

Posted by SursumCorda on October 7, 2010, 1:37 pm
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