Yesterday, Jonathan signed "more" very clearly and correctly. I rewarded him by fulfilling his request - more dried cranberries from my granola.
Then in the evening while we were waiting for a bus, he signed "toilet" - not as perfectly, but obviously enough. Unfortunately, there was no place to go, but I explained the situation to him and tried to encourage him to keep on letting me know even though I could not act on it this time.
Throughout the day, he practiced his "more" sign, even at times when it seemed not in the right context.
He also has a verbal word that he says when he signs "milk." It sounds kind of like "mo." We nursed successfully on a crowded bus yesterday, thanks to a large shirt of mine and a kind seatmate who didn't mind a little bit more crowding.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
January 13, 2005, 10:18 am
| Read 2347 times