Sunday morning, after playing outside before church, Jonathan came to me complaining that his eye hurt. It was red and watering, but I could not see any foreign object. It continued to be irritated, so I wondered if it might be pinkeye.
The pain would come in waves, hurting the most when he closed his eyes, as for naps and bedtime. This made me wonder if there was something under his eyelid.
It was not better by yesterday, so we had Dr.Anderson check it out while we were there for Noah. He did the glow-in-the-dark eye thing and we definitely saw scratches. It was obvious to me the difference between what his eye looked like and what Jon's and Noah's eyes looked like when they had the same dye test but no abrasions.
Jonathan did appreciate the mirror (which dear nurse Theresa found after much searching) so he could see his own glowing eye.
And guess what? All those ducts and passages are connected! What did we see a minute later but a drip of glowing liquid seeping out of his nose...
Dr.Anderson looked as best he could under both eyelids but could not find any particle. He prescribed an antibiotic ointment (like the stuff you put on your cuts before you put the bandaid on) and referred us to an eye specialist.
So Jonathan has an appointment for tomorrow morning. His eye looks horrible (he has a hard time restraining himself from rubbing so the outside is red too) and we have to put the medicine in four times a day. That stings, so it has not been a pleasant experience, but this morning he handled it better than the two times yesterday.
I'm hoping tomorrow will bring a definitive answer and a move towards healing. Please pray for my dear little boy! It is hard to see him in pain.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
October 3, 2007, 12:00 pm
| Read 3978 times