Since I'm on a roll of typing out the insulation we've used, I figured I might as well post about our heating systems too.

We have five different heating sources for our home, and someday we'll get a sixth...


Posted by Jon Daley on October 30, 2020, 10:46 am | Read 2743 times | Comments (0)
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Someone just asked for advice on Facebook, and I figured I should save it here so I don't need to type it again when someone asks later.


We've had just about every kind of insulation in our house. So, more than you asked for, but hopefully useful. Also, if you don't know about it, you should go to and have Eversource pay for 50% of your costs - a great program, we paid $3500 and save ~$1000 a year in fuel, plus the house feels warmer. Air sealing is the most important (one reason spray foams are better; the R value of cellulose and fiberglass goes to something around 1 or 2 if there is air movement)


Posted by Jon Daley on October 29, 2020, 10:40 am | Read 2647 times | Comments (0)
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