From Vicki:
Judy's trial was preliminarily set to begin on Feb. 27th, but has again been delayed.

Oral arguments on the Pre-Trial Motions and the Habeas Corpus Writ will now be heard on April 5, 2006. The trial will be set some time after that - most likely this Summer.

Judy has asked that those who pray remember her and her family in prayer at this time as they are struggling with several battles they are facing. The Bible says "Be still and know that I am God", but the "be still" part is not always easy. Please pray that they will be encouraged in their daily walk, because that's where the battle and the moments of frustration come in.

Thank you so much for your support and continued prayers.
Posted by Jon Daley on February 24, 2006, 2:38 pm | Read 4152 times | Comments (1)
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From Vicki:
Judy's court date for the hearing of motions is tomorrow (which was rescheduled from September). Her attorney tells her that this will be a paperwork day. He is submitting his written arguments today, and then the DA's office, and then the judge, have to have time to evaluate and then decide the issues raised.

Please pray for Judy as she is battling laryngitis and a bad cough/cold. When the body is down, emotions tend to follow.

Please pray for her attorney, the DA and the judge that they will make wise decisions with the information presented to them.

As always, Judy says she is "committed to the fight".

To God be the Glory!
Posted by Jon Daley on January 3, 2006, 10:53 am | Read 4618 times | Comments (0)
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Mom sent this note:
Hi to you both,

At three years old, Isaac would have been old enough to sing in my Joyful
noise choir.  I always listen for his voice but especially tomorrow I'll
listen to hear him sing.

Love, Mom
Posted by Jon Daley on November 21, 2005, 8:13 am | Read 5851 times | Comments (0)
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Monday morning, September 19, 2005, at 9 a.m., the Judge will begin hearing arguments on Pre-Trial Motions filed in the case. Judy's attorney will be asking for dismissal.

Judy has asked me to request that those of you who pray, pray for 3 specific things:
  1. That her attorney will be granted wisdom and discernment as he argues his case Monday morning;
  2. That Judy and her family will stay focused on God and not be tempted or discouraged;
  3. That the case will be dismissed, Lord willing, and that God will be glorified.
Posted by Jon Daley on September 14, 2005, 1:49 pm | Read 3097 times | Comments (2)
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When I said a year ago that maybe Jonathan would be in college by the time this was all done, I was joking, but apparently, it might come true. (More)
Posted by Jon Daley on April 18, 2005, 11:37 am | Read 2942 times | Comments (0)
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From Vicki Pasterik:
Judy and her attorney reported earlier this week for a status meeting. Tentative dates are as follows:
Jury selection to begin June 15, 2005
Trial slated for June 20, 2005 with a two week window reserved for the trial
Thank you for your continued support!!
Posted by Jon Daley on February 24, 2005, 9:30 pm | Read 3395 times | Comments (0)
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Some dates were actually set in the case against Judy Wilson in a "Status Conference" this morning.
There will be additional Status Conferences in February and April 2005. Jury selection will begin June 15th and the trial is tentatively set for June 20th. A two week trial window has been reserved.
Posted by Jon Daley on December 8, 2004, 3:28 pm | Read 3171 times | Comments (2)
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This morning, I received a card from my parents letting me know that they will always remember Isaac and that they had given a gift to World Vision in his honor.
Then, this afternoon, I was listening to Stacey Regan's CD, which of course includes I Offer My Isaac. The lyrics can be found here. The version on the CD also has a heartrending bagpipe prelude.
I haven't cried for Isaac in a long time. Jonathan was very sweet, rubbing noses with me and letting me hold him close.
Posted by Heather Daley on November 18, 2004, 5:07 pm | Read 3719 times | Comments (0)
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Someone from the friends of judy list wrote: Just thinking here, this morning the news reported that there is a mesh "screening" on the city/county building downtown because there is a hazard of parts of it falling off. The building can't be repaired because they don't have the $400,000 to repair it. Hmmm, just how much is going for the trial of our friend? Bet there would be plenty of money for repair if they were not pursuing this case.
Posted by Jon Daley on September 21, 2004, 9:09 am | Read 3561 times | Comments (0)
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It is somewhat humorous I guess, that all this takes so long and that the judges and attornies (and coroner) schedule all these meetings, get paid a ton per hour, and then don't bother to show up (or subpeona the witness, or let the interested parties know when things are happening, etc).
There was supposed to be a hearing this last Friday to schedule the trial date, but when Judy and her lawyer traveled the couple hours into Pittsburgh to be told that the judge was on vacation, so there isn't a date scheduled yet. I wonder if this always happens, or are they just specially treating Judy?
The guess is in March sometime.
Posted by Jon Daley on September 8, 2004, 9:27 am | Read 3463 times | Comments (0)
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The Friends of Judy have set up an Ebay store to try to raise money for Judy's legal fees. Take a look -- there has been a lot of stuff donated, and you might find something useful.
Posted by Jon Daley on August 13, 2004, 12:00 am | Read 3183 times | Comments (0)
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I finally found out what the meeting tomorrow for Judy is about. I thought it was some sort of hearing, but it turns out it is just a silly formality, where each charge is read in front of Judy, and then she pleads whatever to each charge, and then is done.
So, I imagine not very interesting, although there is a definite time limit for which the court has to set a trial date (30 days).
Posted by Jon Daley on August 10, 2004, 1:08 pm | Read 3132 times | Comments (3)
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Please pray for peace for all of us, that we will trust that God is in control and not worry about anything.
Pray for Lisa Pelligrini, the prosecutor. From my little observation of her, she seems to be an angry person, kind of like a school bully - there is probably some hurt she has experienced in her own life that drives her behavior.
Pray that truth will prevail.
Posted by Heather Daley on June 4, 2004, 4:13 pm | Read 3367 times | Comments (0)
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Jon says it's pretty much pointless to try to correct most of the wrong details that the media prints, but I did want to say that Isaac was born on November 21, 2002 and died on November 23, 2002. Only one channel/paper had that wrong last year, but now it's on all the stations and papers.
Posted by Heather Daley on June 4, 2004, 4:10 pm | Read 3519 times | Comments (1)
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I just got back from the courthouse. The judge upheld all charges. The prosecution added a fourth charge as well, that I didn't really understand -- It was a little hard to hear everything. There is an additional charge of endangering the welfare of a minor, I think having to do with actions before Isaac was born, and the first charge only has to do with actions after he was born. Judy's lawyer argued that the actions are one, her actions of the entire care of the baby, and I think the judge sort of agreed, and maybe said something about allowing it in, and then it would be dismissed, not quite sure about all that. At the end, he just said something like, "all charges stand."  (More)
Posted by Jon Daley on June 3, 2004, 2:00 pm | Read 3436 times | Comments (0)
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