Search Results: pray

Jonathan will now put his hands in ours when it's time to pray before dinner.Tonight we had quiche, and Jonathan worked hard at saying "quiche." He couldn't quite get the initial consonant sound, but he could say "eesh" or "sheesh." (More)
Posted by joyful on February 16, 2005, 7:25 pm
Category: Jonathan
As we were cleaning up from my birthday party, Heather noticed a police car in our back alley. It turns out there were two brothers (one is a self-proclaimed starving musician) who live in Pittsburgh, but were driving a New York plated car, without headlights, circling our neighborhood at... (More)
Posted by jondaley on February 12, 2005, 12:07 am
Category: General
The night we arrived (Monday) was "Christmas Eve" so we each opened our one present from "Mr. Ho" and filled the stockings for the morning. It turns out that Santa had also visted Bermuda, because we each received a souvenir ornament from Bermuda. "Christmas" morning was leisurely, as Mom had to... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 2, 2005, 11:41 am
Category: General
Christmas Eve morning, Jonathan threw up. It turned out to be a stomach bug, so the performance repeated itself several times. We took a bath and napped in a chair. (He seemd to throw up more if he was lying down, so I held him upright and tried to sleep myself.) We tried to nurse, but it just... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 2, 2005, 11:07 am
Category: General
Jonathan had a routine blood test at his 9 month appointment, and they say he has a high lead content in his blood. They are re-running the test today, to make sure that they didn't mess it up the first time. The city will test your water, so we did that this morning. I think it takes a week... (More)
Posted by jondaley on September 9, 2004, 8:00 am
Category: General, Jonathan
Bernie says our car is dead. He can't figure out what is going on. He thought maybe the dealership might know something, but he didn't have a lot of hope. I have heard that a 1988 Dodge Caravan was/is a really good car, and should last a long time. I do see lots of them around Pittsburgh.... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 19, 2004, 12:31 pm
Category: General, Reviews
Pittsburgh vehicle drivers need to learn the law. A guy swerved into me on my bike today. I honked at him, but he continued into my path. I yelled at him, and he stopped and got out of his car and made like he was going to do something. He then decided better of it (I guess I must have been... (More)
Posted by jondaley on June 10, 2004, 9:14 am
Category: General, Reviews
Please pray for peace for all of us, that we will trust that God is in control and not worry about anything. Pray for Lisa Pelligrini, the prosecutor. From my little observation of her, she seems to be an angry person, kind of like a school bully - there is probably some hurt she has... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 4, 2004, 4:13 pm
Category: Isaac
I haven't posted this here, and since occasionally some people actually read this, I might as well post it. I am going on a 150 mile bike ride on June 12-13 to raise money for multiple sclerosis. I am supposed to raise at least $200, so if you have a couple bucks to spare, please send some my... (More)
Posted by jondaley on June 2, 2004, 5:36 pm
Category: General
The preliminary hearing that was originally scheduled for Monday is now pushed back to sometime in June. Prayer requests: For the district attorney, Lisa Pellegrini, that she would stop her continual harrassment of Judy, trying to make life difficult for her. For our family,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 29, 2004, 8:00 pm
Category: Isaac
Judy was finally released tonight, yay! Prayer requests: Praise for Judy, God is amazing, and I continually hear reports of her faith, God's grace and strength in her life. For our family, particularly patience and peace-filled thoughts For the " Friends of Judy ", in their fund-raising... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 26, 2004, 10:00 pm
Category: Isaac
Judy is still in jail, held over the weekend for a variety of delays and other "mistakes" such as: the guy who takes the bail isn't here today the guy who does the psychological evaluation doesn't work on Saturdays the guy who does the psychological evaluations decided not to work on... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 25, 2004, 9:00 pm
Category: Isaac
Well, I guess I spoke too soon last week. Search and arrest warrants were filed today for Judy. Apparently, they took her files and computers and stuff, and expect her to turn herself in tomorrow. Her lawyer has asked for a $10,000 deposit (I forget what the lawyer word for that is), so I... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 21, 2004, 4:45 pm
Category: Isaac
Hi all. Thanks for continuing to pray for us, and for letting us know that you haven't forgotten all this stuff. Unfortunately, I am still adding to this web page in 2004, who would have thought? I don't think I have written previously that the case has switched attorneys, sometime towards the... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 16, 2004, 2:21 pm
Category: Isaac
Apparently, the way the legal system works in Pittsburgh is that the media finds out things first. KDKA called Judy's attorney today asking that since the district attorney will be making his decision shortly, whether Steve and Judy would like an interview. It seems strange to me that the... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 1, 2003, 2:00 pm
Category: Isaac
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