From Billy:

 Hail thou brave and mighty Alex...and other revered members of the Assembly:

You have returned from the halls of scholasticia not a moment too soon.  We have long awaited the coming of a valiant warrior as yourself who would dare to make the perilous journey into the land of Ohiopyle.  Even now the assembly is forming a fellowship of bi-pedal expeditioners and with your addition our endeavor is sure to be a success.  To my understanding the brave souls embarking upon this quest are as follows:

Alex the Stout Heart
Ryan the Healer of BooBoos
Jon the Tall One
Josh the Mushroom Cleric
Bill the Unusual One

...and here is a list of possible / probable companions:

Patrick the Pudgy One
Tiny Tim
Little Ben
Andrew the Untiring
Jonathon the Fearsome

The expedition will start in the kingdom of McKeesport on the twenty-first of May in the year of our Lord two thousand and ten.  Provided none of us are sideswiped by any cumbustion powered steel plated beasts in the early morning hours we will rendezvous at the replica house of light on the shores of the mighty Youghiogheny.

Not wishing to strike fear into the hearts of the expeditioners, but on the second day of our quest a contingent of our fellowship plans to tackle the rapids of the Youghiogheny.  Josh the Mushroom Cleric has already provided us with information on the logistics of this whitewater adventure: ($61 for the class 3 - 4 rapids looks like our best bet if we are going to attempt it.  I did find a $36 option, but these are class 1-2 rapids...a bit less thrilling as reflected in the price.

DISCLAIMER: You are not required to go whitewater rafting if you come on the bike trip.  It is purely optional...And if you do decide to challenge the rapids of the Youghiogheny I believe the Mushroom Cleric will perform some pre-rafting incantations for you for a nominal fee.  At this point Josh, I'm game for whatever the group consensus is (though I'm slightly biased towards the class 3 - 4 rapids).

So at this point, for the sake of planning, please indicate 1) whether you plan to go on the bike trip (leaving the morning of the 21st and getting
back the evening of the 23rd), and 2) whether you wish to attempt whitewater rafting the second day of the trip.

The hour of decision has come!

Bill the Unusual One


Posted by Jon Daley on May 25, 2010, 10:27 am | Read 1977 times
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