I hadn't ever gotten a call from a domain scammer before, but today I got my first one. He wanted a fax number to send some sort of notification to. Since I know my domain isn't going to expire for a year, and I was pretty sure that neither my registrar nor my DNS host had asked these guys to call me, I quizzed him some, but he wasn't really able to answer any questions.

Just to be sure, I called my registrar, and they confirmed that these guys are probably some sort of scammer. After searching further on the Internet, I see that lots of people have had trouble with them.
It appears to be a company in Panama, so presumably there isn't anything I can do to stop them, other than warn people here.
Posted by Jon Daley on September 18, 2006, 4:58 pm | Read 2928 times
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People just keep coming up with new ways to scam ya! PS. 32Mbps???? WOW!!! That's so fast that its almost not cool!
Posted by Mike Q on September 27, 2006, 10:15 pm
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