Much of the Jonathan news is best encapsulated by quoting him:
12/15 - We slept late, and/or the garbage truck came early. We were having our pre-get-up nursing and I heard the truck in our street. Jonathan did too, for he lifted up his head and said, "Oopsie, trash truck!" and then sat up. So I rushed him to the window so he could watch.

Later that same day we were building towers with his blocks. He stacked two of the bridge pieces on top of each other and said, "I made a gallery!" I didn't even know he knew that word.

He also had a bath and was sharing his water very nicely. He said, "some for you, some for me, some for you, some for me" as he dribbled it into my hands.

12/16 - Jonathan was playing with clothes hangers in our room and had hung one on the doorknob. Slightly later, it was naptime for me but he wasn't ready. So he took the hanger off the door and as he closed it said, "I'm going downstairs. Goodbye."

Today, 12/21 - His last two molars, teeth 19 and 20, are starting to poke through. No more new teeth until he's six, wow!

Alissa, Will and Nate all had doctor's appointments, so we played with Sam while they were gone. He was eating pretzels and Alissa had said he might be thirsty. I got a small cup of water for him, but he was not interested. He was unhappy that his Mama was not there, and we did our best to distract him. Jonathan offered him the water, asking me first by saying, "Jonathan give it very gent-i-ly."
Posted by Heather Daley on December 21, 2005, 4:20 pm | Read 1983 times
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