Jonathan has been saying, "I'm very happy!" "I'm glad" and similar phrases.
He can sing Rock A Bye Baby for the most part and he likes to rock his teddy bear ("Rock a bye teddy bear") and baby Joseph and also to have us rock him. I'm going to attempt to write it the way it sounds because it is just so cute.

"Rodt a bye baby whenna preetop. Whenna win' blows, pradle will rodt. Whenna bye brates, pradle will faaaaaaall!!" And sometimes he adds, "pradle an' all."

He has been talking about "thunder fire feet" recently, he thinks it is fun and we find it funny, too. As far as we know, it is something he made up, because we can't think of any book where he might have heard of it. Plus Mom searched for it on Google and found zero hits. (So soon if you type in "thunder fire feet" in Google you will find our blog!)

Saturday, December 12 was a very full and momentous day. We were playing out in the snow and Jonathan stomped and said, "look, a footprint!" Then he kneeled in the snow and said, "a kneeprint!"

During breakfast, he opened the childproof cap on my vitamin container. My first habit was to take out my morning multivitamin and place it near my plate. When he had eaten one twice (yes we called poison control the first time) I decided I needed to leave the capped bottle at my place instead of the single vitamin. After Saturday, the vitamins stay on their high shelf and I just have to remember to take them when I finish breakfast.

In the evening, we went to a fondue party at the Moores' and he jumped with both feet off the ground for the first time! Of course he thought that was fun and then even more so because the adults made such a cheer about it. We have had lots of jumping this week. (:

Last night after lying down nursing, he popped back up not tired and I told him he could go back downstairs and play with Daddy and Grandma. So he scooted off the bed, and just before heading down, he put his hand on my foot and said, "Mommy, sleep really well." What a sweetheart!
Posted by Heather Daley on December 13, 2005, 4:54 pm | Read 5049 times
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