As has already been observed, I haven't been so diligent at writing down the doings and sayings of my sons.  Here's what I did write down and what other stuff I can remember. 8/24 - Noah built a block tower with four blocks.

Recently, Noah has been patient for the prayer before meals.  He will hold his hands out to us, and then bow his head and close his eyes when we start.

Jonathan asks if he can pray nearly every time, and his prayers are mostly thanksgivings.

Jonathan can write "Jon Daley" all by himself.

Noah signs please often now, after quite a few battles where he stubbornly refused.

Miss Sanda calls Noah "Shakespeare" because of his leather shoes.

Noah is almost running.

Jonathan can hold himself upside down with his feet on the wall and hands on the step of the stairs landing.  Hmm. This is hard to describe, I'd better take a picture. (:

Jonathan likes to pretend to be a mommy.  He'll put on his dress-up skirt, put one of my hair clips in his hair, and give birth to twins.  Noah is his baby Bethany, and I am his older daughter.  The "baby Joseph" doll is "BethanyV" pronounced Beth'-an-EE-vee.  And he has two sons that are not represented by anything physical.

Posted by Heather Daley on September 22, 2007, 12:57 pm | Read 2790 times
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