The hearing to argue pre-trial motions in Judy's case has been continued to October 9, 2007.  Judy's Expert Witnesses will present written argument to the judge at that time and he will decide whether to dismiss the case or go to trial.
Posted by Jon Daley on May 24, 2007, 10:03 am | Read 10754 times
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And in the meantime, the prosecutors have everything they want, so why should they be in a hurry? Judy can't practice, is being punished emotionally and financially, and they don't run the risk of losing a high-profile case. Okay, so it's not high-profile at the moment, but it will be if it ever gets that far. Unless, perhaps, the whole lay midwife/homebirth thing is settled by the legislature before then.

Posted by SursumCorda on May 24, 2007, 10:23 am

Just wanted to lend my support and let you know that some people up here in Canada are thinking about you and Judy as well. I am going into midwifery myself and I hope that in the course of my practice I am honoured enough to meet people like the two of you. Thanks.

Posted by Sarah on May 31, 2007, 10:06 pm
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