1/25 - Joy, about ready to dance, "Mommy, if you don't see this show, you won't see it again, EVER!"

A good reminder to be present in the moment!  I turned away from the  computer and gave her my attention and I watched her beautiful solo dance show.

1/29 - Reading with Noah about archaeology and the Stone and Iron Ages. Then he asks, "So... People who lived in the ice age used tools made of ice?"

2/1 - Jeremiah can say the names of his siblings: Jza-nee, No-ee, Thay, Jzoe. I'm not quite sure how to spell the "j" sound.  It's a soft one, without the "d" at the beginning.

2/3 - Jon was writing the alphabet for Jeremiah, having him repeat each letter name.  After each of J, K, and L, Jeremiah said, "LMNOP!"

2/20 - Jeremiah calls Nathaniel "Nan-el"  By 2/22 it becomes "Naniel".  (and then later goes back to Nan-el, and still is January 2016)

~2/18 - Joy was playing with her animals by herself.  We overheard her telling one, "Don't keep crying, or Daddy will have to come talk to you..."

2/23 - Jeremiah got out three socks from his drawer.  I said, "How many feet do you have?"  He looked down, and said, "Uh, Uh, Ee!" (That is, one, two, three!) Well, then, I guess he needed three socks after all!

2/27 - Jeremiah put on his shirt, sweater, and pants all by himself.

Posted by Heather Daley on January 6, 2016, 9:32 am | Read 2658 times
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