12/26 - Daley Christmas.  Baby cousin G gets a pretty dress.  People exclaim over it. Big brother C says, "I'm not impressed."

12/28 - C, "Dad, [cousin] O says 'ellow' for 'yellow'".
Ben, "That's ok, bud."
C, "It's not ok with me."

12/30 - Joy counts to 30.

1/5 - Jeremiah gets pinworms.  All family takes medicine, except Heather takes homeopathic remedy given by midwife.

1/10 - JDD, "It's Satur-awesome-day!"

1/10 - Jeremiah, picks up a tomato, exclaims, "Mah-now!".

1/10 - Jeremiah recognizes pictures of cousins, "Viv-a!", "Ow-ee!"  Also, "No-ee!" and a very close rendition of "Joy".

January sometime - Jeremiah loves oatmeal, "eh-moo"

1/20 - Joy counts to 40

1/20 - Joy, "Zucchini climbed the sycamore tree."

Posted by Heather Daley on January 22, 2015, 2:41 pm | Read 5334 times
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The posts about C are more impressive if you know his age. But without a doubt you saved the best one for last. "Zucchini was a wee little squash; a wee little squash was he...."

Posted by Linda Wightman on January 22, 2015, 3:12 pm

Zucchini! Come on down!
...For we're gonna have a squash soufflé!

Posted by Stephan on January 23, 2015, 4:29 pm
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