Yesterday was an exhausting day, so I made sure to get us ready for bed early. We were in bed by 9:00. But Jeremiah kicked his covers off just about every hour and asked me to put them back on again. By 3:30 or so, his medicine had worn off and he was wheezing and coughing. It was apparent by 3:50 that he was not going to sleep without more medicine, so we did that. In the middle of the night, it is easiest to make sure it dispenses properly if he sits up in my lap. (That way, if he does fall back asleep, I can still keep him upright.)
But this morning, he did not fall back asleep. He was quite awake. So I decided I might as well pay some bills if I'm awake. Jeremiah sat in my lap but still was not sleepy. At this point, I realized that there was a business bill due today and I had transferred too much money into the personal account last month so there wasn't enough in the business account. So I got everything ready for making a deposit as soon as the bank opened.
At the opportune time, we went to the bank. I knew I did not have the energy to make sure Jeremiah would listen to me if he walked with me, so I got out the double stroller so he could ride. As I was at the teller making my deposit, the lady next to me answered her teller's customary, "How are you?" with, "Good. Every day is a good day."
Yes. Even if you were awakened at 3:30am and have not yet had a nap, "at least you woke up." Even if your two year old is driving you crazy, he still has a great smile. Even if you have to go to the bank when you weren't planning on it, at least the money is there. Oh yeah, and when you have a baby who sleeps all through the hours the toddler doesn't, it is an almost unbelievable blessing.
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Posted by
Heather Daley on
April 23, 2015, 9:34 am
| Read 6668 times
Yes, and even on the days when you are heartily tired of being the strong one, the responsible one, and would like to be cared for yourself, He is near you not only to care, but to increase your strength and confidence. Gambate, Heather!