He's thinning out and looking older and doing and saying all sorts of extraordinary things. Here's the catch-up.
1/23 - Told a clerk at the grocery store that his favorite movie is my prenatal excercise video!

1/25 - He found a nametag lanyard and uses it as his stethoscope, to measure the baby and listen for the heartbeat.

1/26 - He found a short pencil, like the one I keep in my pocket, and said, "Now I can write on my list!"

He loves to help me with whatever I do, including cleaning. He loves "clean the bathrooms day" because we get to use gloves and chemicals. I only let him clean the mirriors, at least until his hands fit into the rubber gloves. But I also discovered that if I give him a special spray bottle with water in it (it looks completely different from the ones with real chemicals) he is happy to spray the bathtub and toilet with that.

I am making him a tent playhouse that fits over a card table (like one I had as a child.) Ambitiously, I thought a bead door would cool. So I'm making it, but it's taking a lot of work. Once the bead strings got lined up and sewn together, Jonathan thought it was fun to wear like a cape, and his observation was, "It's like an octopus!"

1/28 - Jonathan put his sock on his foot all by himself.

We have some small word flashcards that he likes to ask me about and when I told him that one said "up" he turned it upsidedown and said, "Now it says 'down'!"

2/2 - Looking at two owl bits (great horned owl and eastern screech owl) he said, "They look like [they have] similar eyes."

2/6 - One of his fun placemats from Grandma and Dad-o is a map of the world ("Map of da woy-uld.") He will point to a country and ask me what it is. He now can name Russia by himself. He's very interested in Alaska and Hawaii, but hasn't quite figured it out yet. It's so confusing to have them in Mexico on the US maps.

Today, he pointed to a country in Africa and I told him it was Namibia. He replied, "It's not Nambia, It's a teapot!" Go look at a map and see why. (:

Looking at my writing of his pronunciation of world reminded me that he just keeps on improving in his speech and diction. He's starting to say the American "r." Water has progressed from "wye" to "wye-dah" to now sometimes "wye-der" "wye-ter" or even "wa-der." Jon even had to ask him to repeat himself recently because he pronounced it too well!
Posted by Heather Daley on February 6, 2006, 4:18 pm | Read 2113 times
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An American "r" huh? Look out for Dad-o, the "R cop" famous in five choirs!
Posted by SursumCorda on February 6, 2006, 7:31 pm

I thought of Dad when I wrote that. But he hasn't started singing them yet, only saying them. Very helpful in cases like when he was saying "wax" but I thought he was saying "rats" because I'm used to him not using "r"s.
Posted by joyful on February 7, 2006, 7:56 am
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