So last week while I was busy preparing for Jon's 30th birthday party, Noah decided to do a lot of things, even though I didn't have time to blog about them!
On 2/7, the very day I wrote about him signing please, he also signed more, and more, please. Jon noticed it first. He brings his fists together and sort of grabs/rubs them, similar to washing hands. Then separates them to rub on his tummy for please.
2/8 - He started pulling up on chairs to a kneeling position.
2/9 - He went from crawling to sitting!
I put the gate up at the top of the stairs near the bedroom sometime last week.
Noah has eaten much more paper than Jonathan did at similar developmental stage, because Jonathan is still learning to keep his stuff off the floor.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
February 12, 2007, 10:19 am
| Read 2380 times
Go, Noah! Keep up the signing!
I thought from the creeping video he'd be sitting up by himself soon. (I assume you were using "crawling" in the common sense, and technically meant "creeping.")
Huzzah! Yay for Noah :-)
Huzzah! Go Noah :-)