Jonathan likes to play with the water in the sink, using cups and sponges, etc. I have a "three strikes" rule - after water gets on the floor three times, he has to turn it off and stop playing. Recently, he has actually finished his play before getting to the third time. Christmas Eve, he pulled his stool up to the sink, turned on the water and said, "Mommy, put the towel under the stool so I don't get water on the floor." What a resourceful child!
Also that day, he correctly identified the singular of a pair of dice, "There's a die!"
When we fill up a trash can, we take the bag out, tie the ends, and place it at the top of the stairs ready to go the next time someone goes down. On Christmas day, I was in the basement doing something (hopefully I had full hands when I went down, now that I think about it...) and Jonathan came down later to find me. When he did, he brought the trash bag with him - all on his own initiative!
On New Year's Eve, at the Westons' house, Jonathan said "excuse me" when he was squeezing by someone, without being prompted by an adult. Also, later when we were getting ready for bed he said, "Wait. It's not bedtime!"
1/2/06 - He stepped up the stairs by himself, like a grownup, stretching out his hands against the walls for balance.
1/4/06 - He has been using real knives to cut real fruits and vegetables for a couple of months now. Grandma even showed him how to use his other hand palm upwards to press down on the knife for more cutting strength and no finger-cutting risk. However, Wednesday Jonathan decided that he wanted to hold the apple piece in his hand to cut it instead of placing it on the cutting board. For the first time since using kitchen knives, he cut a finger. Not very badly, but enough to hurt and bleed and need a bandaid. He also learned a first hand lesson.
Later that day on the way home from the store, he stomped in some puddles. Then he said to me, "Remember? We stomped in puddles with Grammy."
The next day, he referred to his cut finger as "juicy." I'm not sure why but it might have been his word for "bloody."
Epiphany (1/6/06) - Even more complex expressions of his memory. "We walked to the post office with Grammy. We had tea. My pants got dirty. We stomped in puddles." Remembering what we had for dinner the previous night, "We had rice and chicken and broccoli. That sounds good!" By the way, that's another fan of General Tsao's Chicken in our family.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
January 7, 2006, 4:58 pm
| Read 2354 times