The memorial service has been scheduled for March 16th, 2:00PM, at the Church of Ascension in Pittsburgh (Oakland, 4729 Ellsworth Avenue)

We are planning on a fairly informal service/celebration of Isaac's life, and would love to have you come. If you want to help out with that, we will have some setup time, chairs, etc. and also food for afterwards, so anything you want to help us with will be much appreciated.

Everyone is welcome at the memorial service. Some people have asked whether they can bring their kids/babies. YES!

If you are interested in giving money to somewhere, Heather and I sponsor two children in Uganda through Compassion International, and write letters periodically, and it is a great organization.
Gifts can be made in memory of Isaac Daley.

You can contact them here:
Compassional International
Colorado Springs, CO 80997

Posted by Jon Daley on February 1, 2003, 3:00 pm | Read 8660 times
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