On Saturday evening we were at a reception for a friend's baptism and Jonathan and I headed outside for some play. It was dusk and the fireflies started appearing. I caught some to show Jonathan and he loved them. Then to my surprise, he said, "I got it, firefly!" and sure enough, he had caught one!! It was a nice gentle catch - he just held his open palm up and swept under the firefly until it landed on him. How many fireflies survive the experience of being a child's first catch?
Jonathan has a musical instrument puzzle which we have recently been "playing." He will give me the trumpet or tuba (he can say "tuba") and I will hum a fanfare or an oom-pa. The other day, I caught him with the school bus piece from another puzzle - holding it up to his lips and humming!

For the Fourth of July we had salmon for dinner and Jonathan ate a lot, asking for more several times. We also laughed at the Dilbert calendar and he laughed along with us. Already an engineer. (:

Today Jonathan helped me put the groceries away. I was going up and down the stairs multiple times, but he kept on his instructed course, taking the salad dressing up the stairs, opening the fridge door and putting the dressing on the shelf! When I came up on my next trip, he opened the door to show me his good job.
Posted by Heather Daley on July 5, 2005, 1:47 pm | Read 2437 times
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