When I came into work today there was a copy of the Financial Times, a newspaper I used to read in college but haven't seen in a long time. There was a front page story on John Kerry speaking in Massachusetts yesterday. I found a couple quotes humorous:
"Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who deserves a special place in hell but that was not a reason to go to war." -- John Kerry.
There has been some agreement for Bush and Kerry to appear in televised debates. "In an effort to lower voters' expectations, each side has recently begun to portray the other as having the stronger debater". Should be a good debate...
Posted by Jon Daley on September 21, 2004, 5:44 am | Read 3126 times
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I didn't get to see the debates, although I didn't try very hard either. I think it is worth a little bit of time, but lots of stuff is just silly.
I can't really understand why both Bush and Kerry are including, "DSL for everyone" as part of their platform. Why is that something that presidential candidates are worrying about?
I have heard that Kerry did pretty well during the debates, that he actually got to say some things, other than just the anti-Bush stuff he has previously been saying.
Did anyone get to watch them and have any opinions on things?
I bought a book from Giant Eagle the other day called, "Every Vote Counts", and it seems to be a reasonable description of Bush, Kerry and Nadar, and what they think about various things. It is pretty light-hearted, with TV comedian quotes thrown in every once in a while, but I have found it informative so far. I think the author supports Bush, but seems to do a good job of not showing his bias.
Posted by jondaley on October 5, 2004, 9:00 am
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