I hadn't checked my log file in a while for my Lime Daley contact page, but happened to check it today.  There have been 438 spams sent in the last two months, and 2 legitimate emails.  The spam filter (I wrote it - which is probably why it works - that my site isn't big enough for the spammers to work on getting around it, it is rather trivial, the spam filter for this blog site is better than that one, and somewhat more difficult to get around automatically) did its job 100% of the time.  The two emails went through without delay, and the 438 emails were saved in a log.

I suppose I don't really need to save the log, though it is interesting - since I have a nice big list of spammer IPs, plus the sort of text and URLs they like to link to, so it would probably be useful to save somewhere in a big database or something.

Posted by Jon Daley on August 30, 2007, 10:57 pm | Read 2987 times
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Lots more space to store 'what might be helpful' in computer archives than filing cabinets.

In prep for discussing popular understandings of Christmas in an Adult Education, I watched Tim Allen's The Santa Clause. One of the amusing parts was when FedEx brought a first floor worth of boxes with lists for Santa to mark 'naughty or nice' in his suburban home. Would have been a lot easier to have a filter sort 'naughty or nice' on a web based program!

Posted by Tom on August 31, 2007, 7:17 pm

Hi Jon,

Thanks for your comments. I'll have a look at my buy vs rent spreadsheets and correct them for the errors you pointed out. I really appreciate it.


Posted by The Decision Strategist on September 5, 2007, 10:30 am

For the rest of you who are wondering what Nick is talking about - I came across an article he posted stating that it is better to rent an apartment than to buy a house. (He includes an article about non-financial reasons too)

His numbers are funny - ie. drastically different than what it right in Pittsburgh, though I acknowledge that Pittsburgh has high rents compared to house prices.

Posted by jondaley on September 5, 2007, 4:22 pm
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