It started out beautifully. When Jonathan needed a morning diaper change, I put Noah in the carseat which was in the basement family room. He started fussing while I was still rinsing the diaper, so Jonathan went out and started singing quietly to him! When I got there, Jonathan was gently rocking Noah. It was very sweet.
I got a load of diapers washed. Then, Noah slept on the couch while Jonathan and I had a fun time playing. I also got some needed computer work done while Jonathan played by himself and Noah slept.

We had a late lunch, but I got the dishes done! At 3:00, I told Jonathan we needed to take a nap. He has been untrustworthy by himself lately, so I asked him just to lie down and rest for 15 minutes. This was quite the difficulty for him, but I enforced my request. When he finally settled down (albeit whispering to himself "I don't want to do anything") he was asleep in two minutes.

However, then Noah woke up. Burps, diapers, rocking, nursing. I finally decided to post this since I wasn't sleeping. He is finally asleep and it's too late for my nap, though in one more minute I will lie down for 10 minutes before we have to leave.
Posted by Heather Daley on July 21, 2006, 4:30 pm | Read 2455 times
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Good for you, and Jonathan! One of these days they will both sleep at the same time.... :)
Posted by SursumCorda on July 21, 2006, 8:30 pm

A couple of other highlights from the day:
When Jonathan was rocking Noah, he said, "I love my baby brother."
I whacked my toe into a chair and Jonathan offered to kiss it for me!
Posted by joyful on July 22, 2006, 8:52 am
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