I found this article at Ed Bott's blog, where it shows some screenshots from a spam control client-server piece of software.  It looks pretty neat -- if you're into that sort of thing.

One interesting thing to note is that almost half of the systems under the spammers control are running Windows XP service pack 2.  I wouldn't have expected that, as I think SP2 has done a good job in protecting this sort of thing.  I echo Ed's question about wondering what exploits allowed the spammer to get access to the machine.  Perhaps the good ol' fashioned exploit of, "click here to download this super cool software".

I wonder if having the SP2 machines infected will increase the number of people switching to Vista (I have previously predicted that people will not upgrade to Vista right away, since SP2 seems to be doing a pretty good job.
Posted by Jon Daley on November 17, 2006, 9:00 am | Read 3541 times
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