My mother-in-law complained that in the Lord of the Rings, they use blank stares to portray goodness. Apparently, this is not a new trend, as in this movie (made in 1977), Jesus (except for when he is angry) does not ever have an expression on his face. Sometimes when he is asked questions or spoken to, he will have his eyes closed, and open them slowly, look like he is about to keel over, and then speaks slowly. Maybe he just has a bad headache.
In the events, this movie is reasonably close to scripture, with a couple random sentences and things thrown in, for apparently no reason, I don't think too much to get worked up over though.
It is long - we are 5 hours into it, so hopefully there will be something to change my comments in the first paragraph, and nothing to change the comments in the second paragraph.
He did partially smile at a child once, but other than that, has a blank face a lot of the time.
Posted by
Jon Daley on
June 28, 2004, 9:58 am
| Read 3212 times