Jonathan can now flip the light switches in both directions. He also continues to enjoy pulling the chain switches.
Posted by Heather Daley on October 6, 2004, 12:10 pm | Read 2722 times | Comments (0)
Category Jonathan: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
The last of our four gospel fish was so weak on Monday that he got stuck in a plant. Then when I freed him, he got stuck on the filter intake. So it was time to put him out of his misery. I can't do the most humane way - that is, one quick slice to cut the head off - so I did the next, a cup of poison. I used rubbing alcohol, but in the future, I'm going to try to find a more toxic poison, because it seemed to take longer than was really humane. I did apologize to him.
Posted by Heather Daley on October 6, 2004, 12:06 pm | Read 2546 times | Comments (0)
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A couple guys here at work have been working on some puzzles. They didn't like my solution to the 3rd puzzle, as they wanted it to be more math base and not like programming. Here are the puzzles:
Assume: a and b are positive integers. (I think this condition only matters for the third puzzle)
1. Given a and b, how do you swap the values without using a third temporary variable?
2. Given a, what is the function to make b = a+1 if a is odd, and b=a-1 if a is even? You are not allowed to use conditional statements.
3. Given a and b, what is the function to make c=max(a,b) without using conditional statements?
Posted by Jon Daley on October 6, 2004, 11:11 am | Read 2689 times | Comments (6)
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On all the windows machine I use, I have auto-completion turned on for the dos prompt. Apparently, I must have gotten that behavior from TweakUI, and since I always install it on a new machine, I thought it was on by default, but apparently not. (More)
Posted by Jon Daley on October 6, 2004, 7:49 am | Read 8940 times | Comments (0)
Category Programming: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Speakeasy is my DSL provider. also uses them, so that is how I heard about them. We have been using them for a year or so, and the ten times or so that I had to open a customer support ticket, it has gone quite well, and fairly fast response time (within a couple of days at the most). (More)
Posted by Jon Daley on October 5, 2004, 8:29 am | Read 5438 times | Comments (0)
Category Internet: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Reviews: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
I signed up with Citibank/Mastercard my freshman year in college. I used to sign up for stuff on campus quite often, as they would give me various free things, t-shirts, radios, $100 gift certificates, etc.  (More)
Posted by Jon Daley on October 5, 2004, 8:25 am | Read 6303 times | Comments (0)
Category Reviews: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
When I returned our Lingo VOIP modem, I asked UPS to get a signature, since I figured Lingo would try to say they never received it or something. Below is a picture of the signature UPS got from "L Manwiller".  (More)
Posted by Jon Daley on October 4, 2004, 9:16 pm | Read 3359 times | Comments (1)
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