Here is my original post to enter the contest, here is my update.  

Our computer room/guest room is now functional and neat.  There are still two actively-being-worked-on server computers on the card table in the room.  We had hoped to have them both in their finished locations by the end of the month, but a broken new hard drive needed to be exchanged, and the colo guy hasn't gotten back to Jon yet.  It's possible that clementine will go there tonight.  But it still fits in the purpose of the room - the computer room - and the area is organized and neat. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on November 30, 2007, 11:27 am | Read 80055 times | Comments (12)
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This month has been full, busy, and blog-sparse.  Because we're actually living life instead of blogging about it!  But here goes:

Noah is experimenting more with sounds.  He copies a lot.  Still not much consistently, but here are some things we've heard him say: "where?" "Papa" "more" "Dad" "no" "none" "that" "hot" "hat."  He also often covers his mouth when he sneezes or coughs.

Posted by Heather Daley on November 27, 2007, 7:00 pm | Read 9473 times | Comments (5)
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Normally, when we have an update to a post, we just put it in the comments, but since I've entered us in the 30-Day Challenge, here's a separate post to link up.

Now before any other "challengees" faint when they see my pictures, I'll remind you that we have guests coming tonight, so our deadline for a presentable room was much earlier than the end of the month.  Also, there is internal organization still left to be done. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on November 9, 2007, 8:14 am | Read 7536 times | Comments (5)
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My friends Bonnie and Liz participated in the last Challenge, and quite intimidated me by doing so.  But I put OrgJunkie's blog in my reader (one of only three strangers' blogs I read) and have slowly been gaining confidence.  The real enouragement I give myself is to note what I can accomplish in little bits at a time.  Whenever I feel like I can't do it, I can point myself to an area that's working (like my system for kids' clothes) and realize that though I have far to go, I've also come far from where I was (or could be!) (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on November 2, 2007, 4:26 pm | Read 12288 times | Comments (13)
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