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I wrote it out formally about a year ago but it never got onto the blog. So below is the story. I'll post a comment on Jonathan's first post with a link to this one. Jonathan's Gentle Birth by Heather Daley This is Jonathan's birth story, but to really appreciate it, the... (More)
Posted by joyful on March 24, 2006, 11:39 am
Category: Jonathan
A woman I know has been having breastfeeding troubles with her three month old. She firmly believes in the superiority of breastmilk and nursing, and so has persisted through the discouragement (implicit and from other people, including pediatrician) and is using a lactation supplementer instead... (More)
Posted by joyful on March 14, 2006, 4:47 pm
Category: General
One reason Jonathan talks so well is because we talk to him like a real person. Children learn by hearing and by imitating. It is sometimes amusing to hear the things that he says. For example, he got a valentine's day card from Aunt Ellie, and as he saw the stickers on the back and was... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 15, 2006, 4:53 pm
Category: Jonathan
Recently, Jonathan has liked to sit in his little chair with his guitar, strumming and singing, "I love Mommy. She is beautiful. I love Mommy." Now there's a sweet Valentine! On Thursday I was uploading the pictures from the camera, which turned out to be a big job because there were still... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 13, 2006, 1:40 pm
Category: Jonathan
Jonathan likes to play with the water in the sink, using cups and sponges, etc. I have a "three strikes" rule - after water gets on the floor three times, he has to turn it off and stop playing. Recently, he has actually finished his play before getting to the third time. Christmas Eve, he... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 7, 2006, 4:58 pm
Category: Jonathan
This morning, Mom, Jonathan and I drove up to the birth center where Jonathan was born for my first prenatal checkup with our midwife. She was so happy to see Jonathan, but he did not understand the part about this being where he was born. (What? He didn't recognize it?!) She said I'm looking... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 14, 2005, 3:39 pm
Category: Pregnancy
I have proved it to myself. Eating too much sugar drains my energy, making me tired and lethargic. On the positive side, cutting down on my sugar consumption gives me energy to last through the day! I have heard and read many things about refined sugars, eating raw foods, eating whole foods,... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 10, 2005, 9:00 am
Category: General
Since reading The Cat in the Hat, Jonathan has expressed interest in flying kites. The other day, he said, "Jonathan fly kites, too - three!" On Friday, Mom, Jonathan and I went shopping in the Strip District to get things like cheese, mustard, curry paste and spices. Penzey's Spices has... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 5, 2005, 11:23 am
Category: Jonathan
Mark Minasi, a guy who writes a Windows newsletter about various IT tricks and other things related to using a Windows system. This month, the majority of his newsletter was about spam, and I think he missed a couple points, so I wrote to him, and it ended up pretty long, so I figured I might... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 2, 2005, 8:39 am
Category: Internet
When Jonathan is talking about zippers or cords, he says, "Zip it down" instead of unzip and "Plug it out" instead of unplug. Makes sense! Yesterday, Jonathan juiced some pineapple slices all by himself - taking out the plunger, placing in a slice of pineapple, pushing it down with the plunger,... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 31, 2005, 3:54 pm
Category: Jonathan
Since it appears that Speakeasy is not going to be able to figure out how to reconnect our internet, at least for a while, I got internet working simultaneously on our desktop and our laptop this morning.The trick is that the laptop has the modem, and only has a wireless network connection to the... (More)
Posted by jondaley on October 21, 2005, 8:30 am
Category: Internet
After an eight month hiatus, Jonathan is sprouting teeth again. He had been chewing on his fingers recently, but we didn't think much of it. Then when we were playing around today and he had his mouth wide open, I saw a molar poking out half-way on his bottom left! I felt around, but no others... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 5, 2005, 2:48 pm
Category: Jonathan
Jonathan got out the large United States puzzle yesterday and had fun playing with the pieces. He would pick up one and I'd tell him what it was. Then he dumped the whole thing out and he would try to put them in. It's a little hard because the pieces don't stay in their places unless all the... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 2, 2005, 4:02 pm
Category: Jonathan
A coworker has a book of puzzles, and a couple of us worked on this one the other day. I think it is a neat puzzle.You need to get a piece of paper, as I don't feel like drawing it for you. Make a math equation that says (using Romans numerals) II = XXIII / VII The puzzle is to move one "match... (More)
Posted by jondaley on October 1, 2005, 6:16 pm
Category: Reviews
We recently switched our automobile insurance to State Farm, because Amica doubled their rates on our homeowners policy, a bait-and-switch sort of thing - they told me the estimated rate, and I agreed, spent a month trying to get the inspector to come look at the house.The only thing he pointed... (More)
Posted by jondaley on September 24, 2005, 7:52 pm
Category: General, Reviews
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