Search Results: house

Heather and I went shopping for jeans yesterday; Heather to try to find jeans that don't have the new low-cut waist line, and me to replace some worn out pairs that have spontaneously ripped when doing various projects around the house. I have always had trouble finding jeans that fit,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on February 14, 2005, 9:19 am
Category: General
Jonathan likes to bark when he hears a dog barking. The other day when I was shoveling, he did a great job with his own little shovel, and we managed to stay out the whole time it took me to do the job. Last Friday, after grocery shopping, Jonathan carried a bag across the kitchen. When I... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 3, 2005, 1:40 pm
Category: Jonathan
Jonathan has been asking to vacuum the house all week, but I told him we had to wait until Monday. Today he was so excited when I was vacuuming that he was bouncing and grinning and saying, "vacuum" over and over again. He also got a new set of reading words today and "vacuum" was one. He loved... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 17, 2005, 1:48 pm
Category: Jonathan
Almost all of the windows in the house are wide open, a fresh breeze is pouring in, and the sun is shining! Invigorating! (More)
Posted by joyful on January 13, 2005, 10:18 am
Category: General, Reviews
The night we arrived (Monday) was "Christmas Eve" so we each opened our one present from "Mr. Ho" and filled the stockings for the morning. It turns out that Santa had also visted Bermuda, because we each received a souvenir ornament from Bermuda. "Christmas" morning was leisurely, as Mom had to... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 2, 2005, 11:41 am
Category: General
Christmas Eve morning, Jonathan threw up. It turned out to be a stomach bug, so the performance repeated itself several times. We took a bath and napped in a chair. (He seemd to throw up more if he was lying down, so I held him upright and tried to sleep myself.) We tried to nurse, but it just... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 2, 2005, 11:07 am
Category: General
When our car was disabled, we had the carseat in the house, and Jonathan loved playing with the buckles and straps. Recently, he has started trying to fit the buckle pieces together. (More)
Posted by joyful on November 2, 2004, 1:04 pm
Category: Jonathan
There is a spot of wall on the landing of our basement stairs that has been getting soggier as the summer progresses. We've had lots of rain, and every time it rained hard enough, the spot would be damp. I finally called someone who advertised in the Pennysaver and he came this afternoon.... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 15, 2004, 2:24 pm
Category: General
Dr.Anderson called and said that Jonathan's lead came back 9.2. That's below their threshold of 10, but still some, so he said to be careful, make sure we wash his toys and keep the rugs vacuumed and watch out where he plays. Jon isn't really satisfied with that and said he'd call him to see... (More)
Posted by joyful on September 20, 2004, 4:36 pm
Category: General, Jonathan
Jonathan had a routine blood test at his 9 month appointment, and they say he has a high lead content in his blood. They are re-running the test today, to make sure that they didn't mess it up the first time. The city will test your water, so we did that this morning. I think it takes a week... (More)
Posted by jondaley on September 9, 2004, 8:00 am
Category: General, Jonathan
Wake up at 3AM because you can't sleep. Notice that the shower has not drained from the day before. Plunge the tub to force the water through the slow drain. Eat breakfast and decide that now is as good a time as any. Start ripping up the floor at 4:30AM. Stop to go to church (try to... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 30, 2004, 11:04 am
Category: General
Last night, Jonathan, from a standing position and without holding onto anything else, bent down to pick up a toy and straightened up again. (More)
Posted by joyful on August 20, 2004, 10:44 am
Category: Jonathan
" By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 2, 2004, 6:54 am
Category: Bible
I just got back from the courthouse. The judge upheld all charges. The prosecution added a fourth charge as well, that I didn't really understand -- It was a little hard to hear everything. There is an additional charge of endangering the welfare of a minor, I think having to do with... (More)
Posted by jondaley on June 3, 2004, 2:00 pm
Category: Isaac
Copied from the Friends of Judy e-list: We are planning to start gathering at the courthouse at 9 a.m. Please allow extra time for rush hour traffic in Pittsburgh. The gathering at the courthouse will be a quiet showing of support. Judy has requested that we be very respectful in our... (More)
Posted by jondaley on May 18, 2004, 11:42 am
Category: Isaac
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