Search Results: say

I think I have written before about DenyHosts , but this evening, it prevented somewhere around twenty thousand individual hosts trying to login to one of my servers. The hackers have gotten smarter - that they used to just try from one host, which was trivially blockable, even manually.... (More)
Posted by jondaley on July 8, 2008, 11:40 pm
Category: Programming, Reviews
I had delayed posting this since I think people were getting tired of hearing about each house that we put an offer on.  But, now that this offer has been accepted, and I don't expect too much trouble with the inspections, I figure it is safe enough to post.I said to a friend the other day,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on July 8, 2008, 1:29 pm
Category: Reviews
Today, Noah is two years old! He is a blessing to our family, and I look forward to watching and helping him grow more and more. Since the second birthday is not much more interesting to the recipient than the first, we'll be having a simple family celebration with balloons and cake. I'm... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 28, 2008, 7:40 am
Category: Noah
On 6/20, Noah walked up the stairs without holding onto the wall or railing.  His hands were full with a water bottle, and he just carefully stepped his way up. Noah loves to go on walks and will often beg to go out, and put on his sandals before getting an answer. He's starting... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 27, 2008, 7:53 am
Category: Noah
Jonathan enjoys blocking a doorway and demanding, "Three thousand dollars!" or some such amount. Sometimes he'll block every doorway from the laundry to the bedroom, charging an exorbitant amount of money every time. If there are any complaints, he always says, "Don't worry, it's just... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 19, 2008, 10:25 am
Category: Jonathan, Noah
My glucose came back fine and so did the iron.  The fundal height is only slightly big - I'm hoping this is a positive indication of not  as big a baby as Noah!  Also, praise God, this little guy is already head down.  Thanks for your prayers on all of those things.  After this we're going... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 10, 2008, 3:10 pm
Category: Pregnancy
Home stretch, here we are!  This will be the first time my third trimester is entirely in the summer, so I was glad for that stretch of cold, rainy May. I went for my glucose tolerance test yesterday, and Jonathan was jealous that I got to drink the "orange soda."  Too bad he couldn't... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 7, 2008, 8:08 am
Category: Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah
Noah now has many more words that I can write down. They are still mostly only understood by me and Jonathan, but he's using his mouth to communicate. Most words have only the initial consonant and vowel sound (moo for "moose") and some have only part of the word (mo' for "remote") so much... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 7, 2008, 7:23 am
Category: Noah
Saturday, May 17 was a big day for both sides of the extended family.  In the morning, we got a cell phone call from Switzerland announcing my sister's engagement . Soon we also got an email that Jon's sister was in labor, and that night Ryan Robert Philibert was... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 28, 2008, 8:37 am
Category: General
Jonathan wants me to write that he says, "blaller, blaller, hee haw haw." Noah, on the other hand has some more words and signs.  Well, one sign, cereal .  Words are "down" (dow), "beep" and "bird" which really sounds like (bee.)... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 19, 2008, 7:07 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah
I found a link to this application a while ago, but never took the time to check it out.  Fortunately, it stuck in the back of my mind that there was a handy application, although even handier that I had saved my bookmarks from an old computer, because I couldn't remember the name, and I... (More)
Posted by jondaley on May 1, 2008, 4:22 pm
Category: Reviews
4/8 - We were reading a non-word book about getting a new baby in the house, and Noah would say "baby" perfectly as he pointed to the baby in each picture.  He now says it often, sometimes referring to himself, sometimes to my tummy, sometimes to a picture of another baby, sometimes randomly.... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 21, 2008, 11:36 am
Category: Noah
I had the privilege of installing VMWare 1.0.5 on a brand new 2.6.25 kernel.  I downloaded the 2.6.XX patch for vmware 1.0.4 , applied the one change from asm to linux in vcpuset.h.  That had worked for me before when using 1.0.5 on a 2.6.24 kernel, but today I downloaded a 2.6.25... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 18, 2008, 12:28 am
Category: Programming
It took some amount of work to get Linux up and running on my laptop , but I just got a new computer ($50 from Peter's workplace - let me or him know if you are interested, there might be some more left) and installed Linux in an hour two, including copying all the old data from the old... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 14, 2008, 6:10 pm
Category: Reviews
I try to be an informed voter, but I find it very hard to find information that will help me become informed.  I finally found this link at SmartVoter where you can type in your address and get information on what your ballot will say.  Unfortunately, it does not have the most... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 4, 2008, 11:18 am
Category: General
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