Search Results: happy

Dr.Anderson called and said that Jonathan's lead came back 9.2. That's below their threshold of 10, but still some, so he said to be careful, make sure we wash his toys and keep the rugs vacuumed and watch out where he plays. Jon isn't really satisfied with that and said he'd call him to see... (More)
Posted by joyful on September 20, 2004, 4:36 pm
Category: General, Jonathan
Bernie says our car is dead. He can't figure out what is going on. He thought maybe the dealership might know something, but he didn't have a lot of hope. I have heard that a 1988 Dodge Caravan was/is a really good car, and should last a long time. I do see lots of them around Pittsburgh.... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 19, 2004, 12:31 pm
Category: General, Reviews
Jon says it's pretty much pointless to try to correct most of the wrong details that the media prints, but I did want to say that Isaac was born on November 21, 2002 and died on November 23, 2002. Only one channel/paper had that wrong last year, but now it's on all the stations and papers. (More)
Posted by joyful on June 4, 2004, 4:10 pm
Category: Isaac
The Inquirer: News, Reviews, Facts and Friction I somewhat doubt that the reason Google is more popular than someone like Vivisimo is because the name is related to the number googol. (More)
Posted by jondaley on May 19, 2004, 9:32 am
Category: Internet
I thought I would be writing this post to say how great Lingo is, and how you should all sign up for their service. They answer their phone within a couple rings, no matter when I called, and sounded like they would be able to fix any technical problems I had. However, after spending hours on... (More)
Posted by jondaley on May 2, 2004, 6:04 am
Category: Internet, Reviews
Apparently, the way the legal system works in Pittsburgh is that the media finds out things first. KDKA called Judy's attorney today asking that since the district attorney will be making his decision shortly, whether Steve and Judy would like an interview. It seems strange to me that the... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 1, 2003, 2:00 pm
Category: Isaac
Born: November 18th, 2003 -- 6:20AM Not much here yet, will get around to that hopefully soon (where "soon" means sometime before he is 20). Here are some pictures to start! (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 18, 2003, 10:00 pm
Category: Jonathan
Copyright ©2003 Linda Wightman When they put the sugar back into baby food, I should have known it was a bad sign. Progress is often a tidal creek, not a river. Advancement is not inevitable. We gain in one era, or in one area, and lose in another.... (More)
Posted by jondaley on January 10, 2003, 12:00 pm
Category: Isaac, Reviews
In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautful in His time. Lord, please show me every day, As You're teaching me Your way, That You do just what You say, in Your time. In Your time, in Your time, You make all things beautiful in Your time. Lord, my life to You I bring. May each song I... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 23, 2002, 10:00 pm
Category: Isaac
Isaac was born 2:05PM, November 21st, 2002. No one has measured or weighed him, but we are guessing 8 pounds, and probably 21-22 inches in length. He was not breathing when he was born, and after receiving oxygen for a minute, 911 was called, and he was rushed to Children's Hospital of... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 21, 2002, 10:00 pm
Category: Isaac
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