Search Results: book

Faith's surgery is scheduled for 7:30 this morning.  We don't know how long it will take for the lab to process her marrow and then get it to Grace yet. Here are some pictures from yesterday. (More)
Posted by joyful on February 8, 2024, 4:25 am
Category: Grace
The last long update ended February 3 in the evening. In the wee hours of February 4 (Sunday) she got a blood transfusion for her hemoglobin level, which was expected. (They’re killing off her bone marrow, so her own body is not making as much blood.) Sunday morning, she got a dressing... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 7, 2024, 7:51 am
Category: Grace
T-minus seven days and counting. Transplant Day is Day 0 and they count all other days from that. Yesterday, I left off while Grace was still sleeping. She woke up slightly grumpy, but soon was fully awake and her normal self. Chemo every six hours, blood draws every half hour (!) plus... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 1, 2024, 2:21 pm
Category: Grace
Joy has designed a tshirt for Grace's cancer journey. We are selling them as a fundraiser for David's House . They cost us $20 each,  but we're selling them for $10 minimum and any amount you give over $10  will be donated to  David's House , the free housing we... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 25, 2024, 10:34 am
Category: Grace
Jon and I both went with Grace up to Dartmouth today.  The dentist met with us pre-op and said after looking at the x-rays, she thought her front teeth looked really bad and she expected to have to take out the four upper front teeth.  This just seemed horrible to us, but I signed the... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 19, 2024, 8:51 pm
Category: Grace
Someone just asked for advice on Facebook, and I figured I should save it here so I don't need to type it again when someone asks later.   We've had just about every kind of insulation in our house. So, more than you asked for, but hopefully useful. Also, if you don't know about it,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on October 29, 2020, 10:40 am
Category: General, Reviews
4/26 - Jeremiah, after his first bowl of non-sugar cereal, asked for some sugar cereal.Only two pieces fell out of the box when I shook it, and he said, "Not two.  I said'some', like this..." holding up several fingers. 4/29 - Jeremiah can tie knots.  He tied the laces of my... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 17, 2016, 2:41 pm
Category: Noah, Joy, Jeremiah
11/2 - Jeremiah, "Aunt Prudence gave us this one."  perfect grammar 11/3 - Jonathan, "Mom, did you know that if you take the 'c' out of 'record' and add 'er' at the end, it becomes 'reorder'?" 11/3 - Jeremiah, walking backwards with finger in front of his face, "Me try to pick [scab],... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 29, 2016, 8:41 am
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith, Joy, Jeremiah, Nathaniel
From an email written to my mom on April 4, 2015 at 7pm. Just after noon, Noah came screaming in from outside.  He was holding one hand with the other and blood was dripping.  I took him straight to the sink to wash off.  He couldn't tell me what had happened and there was... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 8, 2016, 1:22 pm
Category: Noah
Once again, we were blessed to have Grandma and Dad-o with us for a birth. Jeremiah was still too clingy on Mommy for us to be comfortable having him at the birth.  He did well completely away from me, but had trouble when nearby and I was unavailable.  That is exactly the situation a... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 6, 2016, 1:36 pm
Category: Nathaniel
I'm very much behind on the blog.  But I have kept the pocket notes safely typed up in my email.  So here goes. In June, the kids and I made a trip to Florida to visit my parents, and my sister and her kids visited, too. 6/14 - Joy, "Mommy! I saw a dinosaur!"  (It was a... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 22, 2014, 2:04 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith, Joy, Jeremiah
Got a bunch of spam comments and then when I was looking at posts, the boys pointed out that my last post was a month ago and I said "trip to DC goes in a separate post"...  So here we go. When we went into downtown to see the sights, we split up into smaller groups.  Jonathan,... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 23, 2014, 7:03 am
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith, Joy, Jeremiah
Here's the beginning of the list. It is enough for me just to type it all, so I am not going to categorize or alphabetize. Christ in Christmas, A Family Advent Celebration by Dobson, Swindoll, Boice, Sproul word finds, sudoku, crossword books How Many Snails? A counting book The Rhyme... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 7, 2013, 8:46 am
Category: General
11/8 - It was gusty and the maple seeds were being blown off our big tree by the thousands.  It was such an amazing sight!  The little helicopters were fluttering everywhere, even swarming like a host of grasshoppers or little birds.  The grand picture was the swarming, and then... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 5, 2013, 8:31 am
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith, Joy, Jeremiah
I'll take this opportunity, home from church with two sick kids, to post my notes. 10/19 - JDD, "Most fun things are spoiled if you HAVE to do them."  I forget the context of his quote but it reminded me of my thought at the harvest supper.  The middle and high school youth groups... (More)
Posted by joyful on November 3, 2013, 9:45 am
Category: General, Jonathan, Faith, Joy, Jeremiah
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