Search Results: water

5/23 - Joy is chomping and chewing.  I suspect she is an early teether like Noah and Faith. 5/30 - Joy rolled front to back. 6/2 - Joy crawled in bed 18", with diaper Joy is grabbing and exploring what she finds.  Likes fabric especially. Worked really hard on a board book.... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 6, 2011, 7:22 am
Category: Joy
I'd been having these strange contractions for a few days. Not the simple Brackston-Hicks that I have throughout pregnancy that feel tight but do not hurt. Not crampy labor contractions, either. They were very tight and they hurt. They came usually when I was sitting – on the couch or... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 25, 2011, 12:35 pm
Category: Joy
Heather will surely write a more detailed post for those wanting those details, but for now, a shorter post will have to do. We got home from a friend's birthday party last night, and Heather was having some contractions, but since the due date was still a ways away, figured it couldn't... (More)
Posted by jondaley on February 23, 2011, 6:03 pm
Category: Pregnancy, Joy
1/20 - Jonathan, as usual, singing while he plays and works.  This time it was, "Come, Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadil.  Come, Tom Bombadil..." 1/22 - When boys have a tea party:  Noah, Faith and I were playing with Faith's tea set.  Noah said he couldn't eat his soup because... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 3, 2011, 9:58 am
Category: General, Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith
Since we're now into the second year of using the woodstove, I thought I would post an update about it. I bought five cords of wood this year, (we bought around four and a half last year, and used around three).  I got around one cord of black locust each year, and that wood is really... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 22, 2010, 10:28 pm
Category: Reviews
If Heather hasn't been writing recently, that means I'm not writing at all... First, the basement - after all of the ongoing water problems, and finding out this year that only fixing the gutters was not going to fix the entire problem, and if one is going to get water a couple times a year,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 22, 2010, 10:01 pm
Category: Reviews
I haven't done one of those Facebook lists in a while, and a couple friends filled this one out, so I thought I'd join in.  This list apparently comes from the BBC, who said that the average person has only read 6 of these.  Seems like a small number to me, but since the average... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 25, 2010, 11:18 am
Category: Reviews
11/6 - Noah and I were making rice krispie treats and Noah was stirring.  He asked for a marshmallow, but I said no, they had to go in the recipe and he could have one of the finished products.  Well, he decided to snitch and got a natural lesson.  I, only a few feet away in the... (More)
Posted by joyful on November 15, 2010, 5:57 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith
10/3 - Jon felt the baby kick!  Since then, Jonathan and Faith have thought maybe they felt it.  If the kids were ever up when I was still in bed but awake in the morning, they would definitely be able to feel it. 10/3 - Noah counted to 20 on his own.  He is most comfortable... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 23, 2010, 8:38 am
Category: Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith
We arrived at the Fitzkees' house on Thursday night, and Nick said we could stay as long as we wanted.  We ended up extending our trip by a day and coming home on Tuesday, which was a good decision.  I think we spent the right amount of time for the whole family to enjoy the... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 8:48 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith
We cooked bacon and pancakes (I found a nifty plastic pint jug in Walmart or somewhere that you simply pour water into the jug, shake it up, and pour it on the griddle) for breakfast, and then packed up and planned to meet for lunch at Great Falls, 15 miles away. Heather went back to... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 5:26 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith
As I looked at the maps for the third day, we were going to be biking near various battlefields and other tourist-type places to visit, and so in the interest of resting a little, I decided we should drive for a ways and then maybe bike in the afternoon. We drove from Williamsport... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 5:25 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith
I've wanted to bike to DC for a while, but there never seemed like a good opportunity to do so.  Once we purchased the tandem bike, and started thinking about the possibility of biking all over the country, the Washington trip seemed like a good first step. The trip did get... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 4:39 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith
As Heather mentioned , it did take us a while to get this post written, but I thought it would be good to have a record of it, so here goes... Each year for the last several years, Paul has organized a two day bike trip for the kids of BCF.  This year, we drove to Rockwood, PA... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 2:43 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith
Someone asked what timer we recently purchased, and I figured I should post it here, since it seems to work pretty well.  We bought the " Meinor Aqua Flush ", I chose this one because it was the only one available at Target while I was buying our third sprinkler (I should do... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 3, 2010, 1:27 pm
Category: Reviews
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