I haven't managed to get home yet tonight - started at a link from Worship Matters, Bob Kauflin's blog, and managed to meander around to a number of blogs, which after I get through the list, will probably add to the list of blogs that I read, but wanted to post a link to this one in particular.  I suppose the "right way", if I were a true blogger, would be to put my favorites in a post or something, like so many else do.

But, since I am not a real blogger, I won't follow that convention, but instead, take up a whole post for this link.  This top ten list is similar to what I have been thinking and praying on recently, although I wouldn't have stated it as a top ten list of verses people don't believe, but rather a list of verses that either I do believe, or want to believe and want to see proven true.

The Top Ten Verses We Do Not Fully Believe

Posted by Jon Daley on November 13, 2006, 8:14 pm | Read 2555 times
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