I guess we haven't written about Arizona yet, so that'll come later, but Heather posted the pictures today, but I hadn't gotten around to making the panoramic collection yet, so I just did that.  For those of you snappy readers/watchers, you'll probably want to check out the pictures again.  I'm not sure what the RSS feeds will do for the pictures - they might notice the new picture, I'm not sure.
Posted by Jon Daley on March 12, 2009, 10:41 pm | Read 2443 times
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It's my first time ever doing one of those panoramic shots - worked pretty well. I think I worked a little too hard at the beginning matching up points - it didn't auto-recognize any of the points, so I did it all manually.

I started out matching a bunch of points between each picture, but towards the end, got lazy, and started only doing two points - that didn't work at all - and some of the pictures ended up being rotated 90 degrees, so I went back and did three points per picture. I also did a couple points for pictures that were two "scenes" apart, and that made things work out a little nicer.

There are a bunch of options in the panoramic program that I didn't understand, so it could probably be done better.

But, kind of fun - and I'll need to think about this in the future to see if there are other times I should take pictures like that.

Posted by jondaley on March 12, 2009, 10:47 pm
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