Beth has a friend whose first child was stillborn at full term. Then she got pregnant with twins and Beth asked the women's Bible study to pray for the health of the babies and their birth.

This morning Beth told us that since Lisa and the babies had safely reached 37 weeks that they would do a c-section today. Beth's prayer during the study this morning was so touching - that God would redeem the silent birth with a noisy birth today.

"Redeem" is such an appropriate word. (Not "replace" as some well-meaning but misunderstanding friends/neighbors sometimes say.) The miracle of a squirming, loud baby (or babies!) is especially miraculous when you've experienced a still, silent one.

Jonathan woke up early from his nap today, and then fell back asleep in my arms as I read the email that the twins were born healthy. It's hard to describe the emotions, holding a sleeping almost-three Jonathan in my arms, reliving the exquisite joy of those first moments with him after the heartache of losing Isaac. I was flooded with thankfulness for this sweet little/big boy.
Posted by Heather Daley on October 31, 2006, 8:26 pm | Read 4385 times
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And it's also hard to describe the emotions evoked by reading this tender post....
Posted by SursumCorda on November 1, 2006, 12:52 pm

A very touching post. Thanks for sharing. I am sorry for your loss.
Posted by adustyframe on November 18, 2006, 12:34 am
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