We are in the process of moving to a new filename format for our pictures, simpy using the timestamp from the camera, rather than manually typing in ordering numbers, etc.  And that postponed the publishing of our pictures for a couple months, but I finally spent the time today to get it all setup.  The RSS feed for our pictures was a little strange, so if you normally see our pictures that way, you may or may not have seen all of them appropriately.

You can click here to see the most recent pictures.

And I see that most of our Maggie P pictures are not in the RSS feed - not sure why that is - probably due to too many pictures.  Probably the best way to not miss any pictures at this point is to check out the "all chronologically" folder.

Posted by Jon Daley on September 21, 2009, 5:14 pm | Read 3894 times
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When they showed up in my feedreader, went to "all chronologically" as I usually do, but they weren't there yet. I was too impatient to wait, so I looked at them through the reader. Now I see that I have missed a lot that way, and "all chronologically" is ready, so I can enjoy them again. :)

Posted by SursumCorda on September 21, 2009, 5:56 pm
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