These songs were sung at the memorial service, and have been very meaningful to us
Thanks to the writers and composers for providing a means of God's grace with these words.

Posted by Jon Daley on March 16, 2003, 9:05 pm | Read 29535 times | Comments (0)
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The service was great! Thank you to all who came, and to all who helped out with setting up, cleaning up, and making food, running the overhead projector, leading worship, setting up and playing the cd player, making photocopies, and running back to the church to get the bulletins that I left behind.

Here are the lyrics to some of the songs that we sang.

Heather worked really hard on a special cake, in memory of some children and families we know who went through a somewhat similar situation.

At the end of the memorial service, we announced that we are expecting a sibling for Isaac in November!!!!

Prayer requests:
For all aspects of the new baby, pregnancy, birth, and beyond
That we would be patient while waiting for the decision.

Posted by Jon Daley on March 16, 2003, 9:00 pm | Read 22745 times | Comments (0)
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It went well. The district attorney subpeonaed most midwives in Pittsburgh. Their testimonies were mostly good, acknowledging the fact that things that happened, could happen without the midwife being called incompetent, and it is not definite that there was anything else that should have been done, and that there exist non-nurse midwives who know what they are doing, and in fact even could be called experts.

The inquest is done, and within a month, the judge will make her recommendation about whether it should go to trial or not.

Contrary to what Channel 53 says, they are not thinking of charging us with anything. They are investigating whether Judy should be charged.

Prayer requests:
That God's will be done, but we hope that will is to not go to trial.
That we would not be angry at the "system".

Posted by Jon Daley on March 11, 2003, 1:00 pm | Read 4662 times | Comments (0)
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We went down to the court house for the second part of the inquest today. However, the coroner's office forgot to subpeona the witnesses. Details....

Channel 4 knew that they wouldn't have a story unless they could get some new angle, so the lady tried to come to our house so that people could see where the baby was born, etc. and get the personal side of the story. But, we turned her down. Heather said it is enough to have our hearts open to everyone, without having our living room open too.

So, they rescheduled for next Tuesday. I mentioned to the district attorney that I felt the witnesses have been pretty biased. (he showed me the list of who is going to be subpeonaed for next week as well) He was very nice about it, and said that if I have anyone who I think should be subpeonaed, he would be willing to recommend to somebody, that they be subpeonaed as well. There are two obstetricians that we know of, but they both appear to be on vacation, so hopefully we can find them in time.

Prayer requests:
That joy and hope would return to us
That this would not go to trial
That we could find an obstetrician or two to testify

Posted by Jon Daley on March 5, 2003, 12:00 pm | Read 3508 times | Comments (0)
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