The preliminary hearing that was originally scheduled for Monday is now pushed back to sometime in June.

Prayer requests:
For the district attorney, Lisa Pellegrini, that she would stop her continual harrassment of Judy, trying to make life difficult for her.
For our family, particularly patience and peace-filled thoughts
For the "Friends of Judy", in their fund-raising efforts, and other decisions/plans
Posted by Jon Daley on April 29, 2004, 8:00 pm | Read 4864 times | Comments (0)
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Judy was finally released tonight, yay!

Prayer requests:
Praise for Judy, God is amazing, and I continually hear reports of her faith, God's grace and strength in her life.
For our family, particularly patience and peace-filled thoughts
For the "Friends of Judy", in their fund-raising efforts

Posted by Jon Daley on April 26, 2004, 10:00 pm | Read 3804 times | Comments (0)
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Judy is still in jail, held over the weekend for a variety of delays and other "mistakes" such as:

  • the guy who takes the bail isn't here today
  • the guy who does the psychological evaluation doesn't work on Saturdays
  • the guy who does the psychological evaluations decided not to work on Sunday this week
  • arraignment hearing held at 3AM, after Judy's attorney had gone home
  • Judy's family wasn't allowed to see her on Saturday, and then on Sunday they were told that you should have seen her yesterday, you can't see her today.

She is due to be released tomorrow on $10,000 bail, (since she is such a violent criminal), but since she was also supposed to be released Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so we will see how it goes.

Nothing much else new, the media covered it all over the country, but they didn't have very much new to print, so it didn't last long. In some cases, they just cut and pasted from previous articles sometimes with even the same headline. Not very exciting news.

Almost all of the stories quoted Cyril Wecht, the coroner, saying, "women in labor can't think rationally", and that gets lots of people upset, including those who couldn't care less about midwives, so I imagine there will be a bunch of letters to the editor this week.

Found a quote by Wecht today, which one would think if he believes as strongly as he sounds, he wouldn't have made the sensational statements during the inquest.

Forensic pathologists functioning as coroners and medical examiners should remember that they are not an integral part of the prosecutor's team, and they should not consciously or unwittingly use language that is clearly designed to inflame and prejudice a jury. Forensic pathologists must constantly strive to be objective, rational, fair, and even-handed in expressing their conclusions and opinions in trial testimony and all other formal legal proceedings.
Source: Shaken baby syndrome research paper

Prayer requests:
  For Judy, it can't be much fun to be in jail all weekend, and not be able to see visitors
  For our family, particularly patience and peace-filled thoughts
  For the "Friends of Judy", in their fund-raising efforts

Posted by Jon Daley on April 25, 2004, 9:00 pm | Read 5349 times | Comments (2)
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Well, I guess I spoke too soon last week. Search and arrest warrants were filed today for Judy. Apparently, they took her files and computers and stuff, and expect her to turn herself in tomorrow.

Her lawyer has asked for a $10,000 deposit (I forget what the lawyer word for that is), so I assume she will have a hard time coming up with that, or at least definitely will have trouble coming up with money later. (I know what she makes... or at least what she charges per birth)

The charges are Involuntary Manslaughter, Endangering the welfare of a minor and unauthorized practice of midwifery.

It is interesting that they are now saying "unauthorized practice of midwifery", because it was stated quite clearly during the inquest, that that was not the issue, that the DA and coroner's office understood that PA law did not make any mention of non-nurse midwives, so wouldn't be going in that direction.

Maybe they just bring up a bunch of charges, and hope that one will stick??

Prayer requests:
  For Judy, particularly if she spends time in jail tomorrow, I haven't heard about bail.
  For the lawyers and judges involved, for correct discernment of the laws and the truth.
  For our family

Posted by Jon Daley on April 21, 2004, 4:45 pm | Read 4963 times | Comments (0)
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Hi all. Thanks for continuing to pray for us, and for letting us know that you haven't forgotten all this stuff.

Unfortunately, I am still adding to this web page in 2004, who would have thought?

I don't think I have written previously that the case has switched attorneys, sometime towards the end of last year. I have heard through the proverbial grapevine that she had found the FoJ web page and had some questions regarding some of the statements on it.

Apparently Steve backed up his own quotes, but wouldn't speak as to the accuracy of the rest, which makes sense to me.

But, anyway, it means that the DA's office is still thinking about things. It is crazy to think that stuff can be going on this long, and they are actively working on it. As my mother would say, "Your tax dollars at work".

Prayer requests:
That we wouldn't think about this stuff, for the most part, that we can't do anything about it anyway, and so just wait, instead of worrying.
For our five(!) month old baby (Jonathan) and our care of him.

Posted by Jon Daley on April 16, 2004, 2:21 pm | Read 3206 times | Comments (0)
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