We now have a dishwasher in our kitchen, which Jon installed himself (running new electric, supply, and drain.) Yeah!

There is also a ceiling fan/light fixture in our bedroom to replace the bare bulb fixture.   Yeah!

5/13 - N count to 10

5/13 - Jonathan's practical math problem that he solved himself: If you have a foam octopus with 5 legs, how many do you have to cut in half to get eight legs for your octopus?

5/18 - Jonathan can do multiplication by: x2, x10, x1

5/23 - Faith will now sometimes crawl to the bathroom when she needs to go.

5/24 - Jonathan can pump himself on a swing, from still to high.

5/29 - I saw a hummingbird at the feeder!

Noah likes to play "Robo-bot" and when he does, he always has a wire sticking out of his back that shoots water, and lasers on his arms.

5/30 - Jonathan was complimenting me on the yummy lunch I made, and included the line, "Good old Mommy."  Noah retorted, "not old..." Then ensued a discussion of age and who I was older than and younger than.  Somehow this turned into relationships and fathers-in-law.  Jonathan discovered that he does not have a father-in-law, though his first guess was Papa.  Then he asked who great-grandpa Wightman's father-in-law was.  I remembered his last name, but not his first name, so I got out Mom's Honor Enough book for that branch of the family and looked it up.  Then Jonathan wanted to know the name of Whitney Porter's father-in-law, and his, and his, as far as I could.  There you go, Grandma, a budding geneaologist!

Posted by Heather Daley on May 30, 2009, 7:46 pm | Read 3636 times | Comments (2)
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Tom asked for some statistics for his blog, and I figured I might as well look them up for mine while I was at it.  I am not particularly surprised by the results, so perhaps not worth posting, but in case anyone thought the world was interested about our kids... (More)

Posted by Jon Daley on May 29, 2009, 2:46 pm | Read 2384 times | Comments (2)
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I've noticed the "kids" at church (in quotes, since folks are quite sure where to place me, the "adults" say I'm a kid, and the "kids" say I'm adult (I think primarily since I'm married and have kids of my own)) hug more than I am used to, and I had internally wondered a couple times if it was a culture thing (e.g. confined to our church) or if it was a larger generational thing(More)

Posted by Jon Daley on May 29, 2009, 10:44 am | Read 3578 times | Comments (4)
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I guess I fail the test, since I answered "no" to both questions, though I suppose Brad Andresen from college (the one who always said of me, "You're more liberal than you think you are.") would be happy to hear that I'd be more likely to think it alright to slap my dad in a skit than to worry about touching a faucet.

Posted by Jon Daley on May 29, 2009, 10:39 am | Read 14576 times | Comments (11)
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So, I wonder if there is going to be one of those statistics published: "Facebook down for X minutes - office productivity improved 500%"...
Posted by Jon Daley on May 29, 2009, 10:16 am | Read 3121 times | Comments (2)
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5/4 - Jonathan read Hop On Pop to us.  It took two sessions because it is a pretty long book.  It was fun for me because I know that was one of the first books I read out loud to my parents.

5/8 - Kids only know what they're exposed to.  When Noah saw the TV in our hotel room, he said, "Little movie screen!"

That was fun for them, staying in a hotel room.  We were there two nights for the homeschool conference.  We got a lot of info that we're still processing.  I'm not sure how much I'll be posting on that, since I try to post minimally anyway.

5/10 - Noah can count to seven.

Faith is starting to pull up to standing on furniture.  This now makes most of the coffee table no longer safe for lego bases, so we'll have to figure out something else.

Posted by Heather Daley on May 13, 2009, 8:01 am | Read 2799 times | Comments (2)
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4/23 and following - Noah sings a little song, waving his arms around and concludes with, "Amen."  He then says, "Me get mine Bible."  He has loved reading the Bible even from such a young age as I was not sure if he could distinguish it from other books, except that he was often drawn to a Bible.  He'll remind me to read it, ask me to read it to him, ask me to sing it to him.  "His" Bible is a little green Gideon Bible that I got in college.

Noah is now firmly over the hesitation to say things before he knows he can say it perfectly.  However, it does bring a different kind of frustration.  I can now hear the struggle that used to go on in his head.  He will know what he wants to say, but what comes out of his mouth is not quite right.  He can hear that, so stops and works on correcting it.  Often the trouble is switching adjectives and nouns "bird red" vs. "red bird".  He used to be very patient with us as we tried to figure out what he said, repeating until we got it.  Now he gets upset and repeats in a sort of raspy loud voice, getting louder and raspier with each repetition.

On the other hand, we can understand more and more of what he says.  And he even told someone his name yesterday!

With the advent of spring, I brought out the red potty - the idea being that we have it outside where he can go diaperless and use it whenever without worry of accidents.  This worked very nicely the first few days, even though he doesn't like going diaperless.  In this most recent adventure, I have discovered that if he goes right before bed, he will be dry all night.  HOORAY!  He didn't get the bad genes!  Now he just needs the motivation to go all the time in the potty/toilet.

He just learned how to respond to the question, "How old are you?" and soon he will have to change his answer!  I know I'll blink and the answer will be  "23."

Posted by Heather Daley on May 3, 2009, 8:02 am | Read 2609 times | Comments (0)
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