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5/7 - Noah was sitting on the kitchen floor, trying to plug the breadmaker into his bellybutton.   He consistently and safely climbs up the stairs by himself now.  Though I do still like to be behind him.    Related to this, I really have to  pay attention.  I... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 12, 2007, 7:24 pm
Category: Noah
Noah has been so much fun recently.  I know I've said that before, but now he's initiating the fun, which is a new development.  He likes to dance, to bounce, to jump (with my help.)  He continues to like peek-a-boo, he loves to play the dropping game.  He even played... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 5, 2007, 7:13 pm
Category: Noah
Last month, I took Jonathan for his first dental checkup and cleaning.  He did a great job, asking lots of questions and generally having a good time.  But they did discover two huge fillings.  The regular dentist doesn't do fillings for kids, so she had us make an appointment... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 30, 2007, 11:40 am
Category: General, Jonathan
In college, our friend Volus used to say that it was always sunny on Sunday.  Even if it was gray in the morning, the sun was out by the time church was over.  I found that he was right for the vast majority of the time.  This weekend was no exception.  Saturday was rainy,... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 30, 2007, 8:11 am
Category: General
After Noah's doctor appointment, we went to the grocery store.  I had parked forward-facing to a curbed, sloped sidewalk.  On the side of the walk opposite the parking lot was a railing.  Because of the curb, I did not push the cart to the trunk of my car as I usually... (More)
Posted by joyful on March 27, 2007, 8:39 am
Category: Jonathan, Noah
You scored as NASB - New American Standard Bible . You are intelligent, responsible, and understanding. You strive to do your best possible in all areas of life and are generally quite successful. You do not mind being different and sometimes taking risks, but you simultaneously find no... (More)
Posted by jondaley on March 9, 2007, 11:26 am
Category: Bible
We had a big bash, hosted by the Moores.  I invited all our Pittsburgh friends that I had valid email addresses for. (So if you missed it and are disappointed, send me your correct email address!) Total attendees: 45 (including babies.)   We all had a lot of fun, and I'd like to... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 14, 2007, 1:05 pm
Category: General
Note to self: when going to bed, and walking past a heating vent that is blowing cold air, double check that the furnace is working.  52 degrees in the house this morning, and it isn't that cold out (27 or so).The fan is on constantly, but the ignition isn't turning on, so it seems... (More)
Posted by jondaley on February 14, 2007, 8:39 am
Category: Reviews
We finally went skiing for the first time this year and although it was pretty cold, we did have a lot of fun and stayed a lot longer than we did last year. We had a little  trouble getting our tickets - it is always hard to find the ski club people, and I was incorrectly asking for Carnegie... (More)
Posted by jondaley on January 23, 2007, 9:26 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah
A friend of John Kuhns was asked some questions about marriage and what the point of it is.  This was his response: I think you are right that marriage is becoming less and less meaningful these days. People seem to think of marriage as just a very-committed relationship. When you are in a... (More)
Posted by jondaley on January 17, 2007, 9:11 pm
Category: Reviews
I've been especially enjoying my boys the last week or so, having fun watching them learn so fast.  Specifically, Noah's crawling and Jonathan's recognition of numerals and letters.   Noah has now figured out "crawling for transportation."  He knows he can do... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 16, 2007, 12:38 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah
At the Shursave today, our favorite cashier, Robert, did a double take when he scanned the package of cheesecloth.   (More)
Posted by joyful on December 13, 2006, 2:40 pm
Category: General
I heard about bump keys recently, and had a little time to play around this morning.  I read an article about them, and watched a youtube video , and away I went.  It took about 15 minutes to hand-file a key.  And then another 20 minutes to try the "pull-back"... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 13, 2006, 7:20 am
Category: Reviews
Jonathan woke up late on his birthday morning and discovered a bouquet of Happy Birthday balloons tied to the foot of his bed. He had a good long drink of mommy milk and then discovered his birthday crown on the sewing table which he put on after dressing in his "wedding clothes."... (More)
Posted by joyful on November 18, 2006, 11:15 pm
Category: Jonathan
I was at a small conference last weekend, which I suppose deserves another post entirely, but in summary, God used that conference to stir up and provoke me to love and seek him more. At the conference, one of the speakers (Rick Walth) talked about his experiences over the last couple years... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 14, 2006, 6:16 am
Category: Bible
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