Search Results: asked

The memorial service has been scheduled for March 16th, 2:00PM, at the Church of Ascension in Pittsburgh (Oakland, 4729 Ellsworth Avenue ) We are planning on a fairly informal service/celebration of Isaac's life, and would love to have you come. If you want to help out with that, we will... (More)
Posted by jondaley on February 1, 2003, 3:00 pm
Category: Isaac
A number of you have asked why is this happening, ie. how did the district attorney, coroner, homicide detective and police officers get involved in the first place. Good question. One might wonder... Whenever 911 is called involving a baby, they send police officers along with medical support,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on January 6, 2003, 8:00 pm
Category: Isaac, Reviews
We are continually amazed at how God has prepared us for this time. Sometimes we just sit back and laugh, at how God has taught us various scripture over the last couple of months, and while they had some meaning then, were really meant for now. And how He gave them to various people to share... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 27, 2002, 8:00 pm
Category: Isaac
We were, and continue to be, overwhelmed by the support we have received from all of you. From the numerous: phone calls emails visits to the hospital and home Sometimes staying for hours or overnight prayer lists to which we have been added food showing up in our... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 27, 2002, 8:00 pm
Category: Isaac, Reviews
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.     Romans 15:13 Not much changed last night, although Isaac's heartbeat did return to a normal pace. The doctors have said that in... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 23, 2002, 10:00 pm
Category: Isaac
In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautful in His time. Lord, please show me every day, As You're teaching me Your way, That You do just what You say, in Your time. In Your time, in Your time, You make all things beautiful in Your time. Lord, my life to You I bring. May each song I... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 23, 2002, 10:00 pm
Category: Isaac
When I arrived at the hospital, they told me that what they said the night before was not true. (of course they didn't admit that, rather just a "clarification" of what they had said) When they said he had low brain activity and possibly the phenobarbitol was attentuating the activity, what they... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 22, 2002, 10:00 pm
Category: Isaac
Isaac was born 2:05PM, November 21st, 2002. No one has measured or weighed him, but we are guessing 8 pounds, and probably 21-22 inches in length. He was not breathing when he was born, and after receiving oxygen for a minute, 911 was called, and he was rushed to Children's Hospital of... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 21, 2002, 10:00 pm
Category: Isaac
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