Search Results: before

Based on an excruciating headache Wednesday afternoon, October 12, that did not go away, Jon and I headed to West Penn Hospital Emergency Room at 10:30pm. A friend came to the house to watch Jonathan while he slept. Here is an aside - it was so good for Jonathan that he did not come, he would... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 24, 2005, 4:37 pm
Category: General
So much exciting stuff happened today that I want to get it written down now, even before we post about our vacation to Canada this weekend. Jonathan made up his own rhymes today and was obviously pleased with himself. "Toe-oh-bo" in the morning and "Hello, Moe! Hello, Joe!" into the phone in... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 11, 2005, 11:08 pm
Category: Jonathan
Jonathan got out the large United States puzzle yesterday and had fun playing with the pieces. He would pick up one and I'd tell him what it was. Then he dumped the whole thing out and he would try to put them in. It's a little hard because the pieces don't stay in their places unless all the... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 2, 2005, 4:02 pm
Category: Jonathan
Mom found this house while canoeing in the Merrimack River, and thinks it is just perfect for us. It does look great! There is a lot of land (13 acres) and a lovely place for the Black Rabbit to launch from. We have gotten used to Pittsburgh housing prices, so anything is a shock, but this... (More)
Posted by jondaley on September 26, 2005, 2:59 pm
Category: General
On Tuesday, I just randomly started singing "All Around the Mulberry Bush" without really thinking about it. When I finished, Jonathan said in a singy voice, "monkey, weasel, monkey, weasel!" That evening when we were putting on shoes to go home from the Kuhns, Jonathan said, "right foot" and... (More)
Posted by joyful on September 15, 2005, 2:01 pm
Category: Jonathan
Jonathan has tried before, unsuccessfully, to fasten the snaps on his onesies. Part of the reason it's hard is that the more he bends over to concentrate, the more his back pulls on the back part, the tighter the snap is - if he tried to adjust his grip, he usually dropped it. So today, I... (More)
Posted by joyful on September 7, 2005, 1:01 pm
Category: Jonathan
While it is impossible to keep up with all of the new words Jonathan can say, there are interesting stories every once in a while (how "interesting" is measured is probably different among the different readers of this blog) and so I like to share them. Also, I realized that sometimes we say he... (More)
Posted by jondaley on September 5, 2005, 9:26 pm
Category: Jonathan
I happened to check my logs this evening and discovered that a spammer had tried to send one of my clients a few emails over the weekend. Only 100,000 or so. He was being blocked via an RBL, but that still takes up resources, so I manually blocked his IP address, as well as ran a ping -f -s... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 27, 2005, 6:34 pm
Category: Internet
Sunday after church Jon suggested we go sailing again since we did not make it the day before. After lunch, we headed out again, this time to North Park because it is closer. The wind was strong, the best we've had in Pittsburgh so far. However, it was also gusty and changed direction a lot in... (More)
Posted by joyful on August 25, 2005, 1:25 pm
Category: General
This was quite the weekend of the sailboat. Saturday's adventures pale in comparison to Sunday's, but I want to write them down anyway. After lunch on Saturday, we headed out to Moraine State Park, where we have never sailed before. It is about an hour away, but it has a nice big lake. We... (More)
Posted by joyful on August 25, 2005, 1:20 pm
Category: General
On Monday after dinner, Jon said, "How about if we go sailing?" So we packed up and headed down to the boat ramp near his work - on the Monongehela almost under the Birmingham bridge.The wind was nice and strong this time, the best we've had on the river. Because we are now confident with the... (More)
Posted by joyful on August 18, 2005, 4:51 pm
Category: General
On Tuesday, Jonathan discovered how to stand on tiptoes, and he thought it was great fun and asked me to "Watch!" him and share in his joy. Yesterday, he figured out how to open the front gate. So now keeping him inside the fence is truly a matter of discipline and not force. But he understands... (More)
Posted by joyful on August 18, 2005, 8:19 am
Category: Jonathan
On weekends, Jonathan often helps Daddy make breakfast while Mommy gets a little bit of nice time to herself with God. This Sunday morning, Jonathan successfully used the spatula to lift the pancakes off the griddle and onto the plate! Jonathan has also started learning the names of electronic... (More)
Posted by joyful on August 9, 2005, 3:33 pm
Category: Jonathan
My friend gave me an update on our mutual friend whose baby is due next week. The doctors want to induce now, a week early, "because the baby has lost weight." How do they know this? By ultrasound. Which can be wrong by a pound or more in either direction. Another friend had a similar... (More)
Posted by joyful on August 6, 2005, 12:16 pm
Category: General
It is a new month, and therefore, a new point on my email graph . A couple interesting things this month: one, you can tell I went on vacation, and probably also that I knew Heather was gone the week before, so I wasn't emailing her as much either. Two, spam has now hit the 30% mark (note: the... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 3, 2005, 10:24 am
Category: Internet, Reviews
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