I just realized that I haven't ever mentioned my Windows HTTP proxy server that I use.
Web Washer is very useful. It turns out that yesterday was the two year anniversary of my using it on this computer.
In that time, it has filtered: 227,646 images, 30,746 popups, 53,413 scripts, and 55,659 cookies.
I do have to use a whitelist on it to allow different hosts to be able to send cookies, scripts and popups, although a lot of the time it works without a whitelist. It is smart about figuring out what popups I asked for and what popups I didn't. I don't ever get unwanted popups. Occasionally, it blocks a popup that I want, and then I either add the site to the whitelist, or else disable the proxy (with one click) and then reload the page.
When I use other people's computers, I am so surprised by all the popups and flashing pictures.
It replaces the ads, etc. with a blank box, and all animated pictures with just the first frame of the animation.
Firefox is supposed to have an ok popup blocker, but I haven't used it, since WebWasher does everything I need.
Web Washer has a free license for non-commercial usage, but I actually sent them money a while ago, since it is such a great product (and I have been using it for years).
Posted by Jon Daley on January 14, 2005, 10:51 am | Read 3155 times
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