Search Results: picture

Sunday, February 19, 2006, Jonathan went skiing for the first time. Just after 11am, we headed east to Seven Springs, which is the closest/best mountain to Pittsburgh. We arrived at the parking lot at 12:45, then took a shuttle to the lodge. We got off at the wrong place and had to walk to the... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 20, 2006, 10:11 am
Category: Jonathan
One reason Jonathan talks so well is because we talk to him like a real person. Children learn by hearing and by imitating. It is sometimes amusing to hear the things that he says. For example, he got a valentine's day card from Aunt Ellie, and as he saw the stickers on the back and was... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 15, 2006, 4:53 pm
Category: Jonathan
Recently, Jonathan has liked to sit in his little chair with his guitar, strumming and singing, "I love Mommy. She is beautiful. I love Mommy." Now there's a sweet Valentine! On Thursday I was uploading the pictures from the camera, which turned out to be a big job because there were still... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 13, 2006, 1:40 pm
Category: Jonathan
Christmas Eve, we went to a church family's party and then had a candlelight service at church. Christmas Day, there was no service (we meet in a school and they didn't want to make the janitor work on Christmas) so we had the day at home. We woke up and opened stockings (sample toothpaste for... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 7, 2006, 5:19 pm
Category: General
This morning, Mom, Jonathan and I drove up to the birth center where Jonathan was born for my first prenatal checkup with our midwife. She was so happy to see Jonathan, but he did not understand the part about this being where he was born. (What? He didn't recognize it?!) She said I'm looking... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 14, 2005, 3:39 pm
Category: Pregnancy
Since reading The Cat in the Hat, Jonathan has expressed interest in flying kites. The other day, he said, "Jonathan fly kites, too - three!" On Friday, Mom, Jonathan and I went shopping in the Strip District to get things like cheese, mustard, curry paste and spices. Penzey's Spices has... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 5, 2005, 11:23 am
Category: Jonathan
ThinkGeek has lots of fun things for those ... uhh... those people like me. I just saw an advertisement for lightsabers , and I immediately thought of Brian, (Heather's cousin) though it says "Although the blade is very durable, it should never be used for fighting or dueling." One thing... (More)
Posted by jondaley on November 19, 2005, 4:10 pm
Category: Reviews
Posted by jondaley on November 15, 2005, 9:36 am
Category: Reviews
So much exciting stuff happened today that I want to get it written down now, even before we post about our vacation to Canada this weekend. Jonathan made up his own rhymes today and was obviously pleased with himself. "Toe-oh-bo" in the morning and "Hello, Moe! Hello, Joe!" into the phone in... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 11, 2005, 11:08 pm
Category: Jonathan
Mom found this house while canoeing in the Merrimack River, and thinks it is just perfect for us. It does look great! There is a lot of land (13 acres) and a lovely place for the Black Rabbit to launch from. We have gotten used to Pittsburgh housing prices, so anything is a shock, but this... (More)
Posted by jondaley on September 26, 2005, 2:59 pm
Category: General
On Monday, Jonathan said what sounded like "van-fan" so I tried to figure out what he meant. He pointed to the shelf and said it again, maybe differently. I looked up, and there were the bits - works of Rembrandt! I said, "Rembrandt?" And he said, "yes, Rembrandt!" (or a close approximation.)... (More)
Posted by joyful on August 5, 2005, 9:48 pm
Category: Jonathan
This morning Jonathan and I were looking at a photo album from when I was a baby. One of the pictures was of Mom and me sitting on a bed at the Maggie P. Jonathan pointed at Mom and said, "Aunt Janet!" (More)
Posted by joyful on July 30, 2005, 7:21 pm
Category: Jonathan
After a lot of deliberation, we (mostly myself, as Heather thinks it is neat, but not really worth the money) decided to get a movie projector, screen and surround sound system. It is a fair amount of money, but is fun.I used my birthday money (Thanks Grandpa and Mom!) to help pay for it. We... (More)
Posted by jondaley on July 26, 2005, 2:26 pm
Category: Reviews
Jonathan likes to open the drawer where I store the Bits and take out some to look at. In order to make this an acceptable activity, I have put the retired ones in front and hidden the unseen ones in back, separated by empty file folders. This way, he is free to explore and look at, take out... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 10, 2005, 3:01 pm
Category: Jonathan
The chicks have started preening themselves. I opened the smaller panel. It would be a nice view except that the outside is very dirty with last year's (and maybe this years') droppings. It's not so great for looking and abysmal for the camera. I waffle back and forth between which panel to... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 27, 2005, 4:02 pm
Category: General
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