Search Results: happy

If Heather hasn't been writing recently, that means I'm not writing at all... First, the basement - after all of the ongoing water problems, and finding out this year that only fixing the gutters was not going to fix the entire problem, and if one is going to get water a couple times a year,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 22, 2010, 10:01 pm
Category: Reviews
Actually, the only thing written in my pocket notes from all this time is that on 11/16, Jon solved the mirror cube with his eyes closed. Jonathan's 7th birthday was a very fun time.  He got a lot of cool presents and had a lot of cool people over to play.  Grandma and Dad-o were... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 8, 2010, 11:56 am
Category: General, Jonathan, Isaac, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith
11/6 - Noah and I were making rice krispie treats and Noah was stirring.  He asked for a marshmallow, but I said no, they had to go in the recipe and he could have one of the finished products.  Well, he decided to snitch and got a natural lesson.  I, only a few feet away in the... (More)
Posted by joyful on November 15, 2010, 5:57 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith
11/1 - Jonathan, "My favorite color is green."  Noah, "My favorite color is green, too!"  Jonathan, "Faith, what's your favorite color?  Is it green?"  Faith, "No, flower." 11/1 - Jonathan lost his left front upper tooth!  He bit into a grape (boy, that tooth must... (More)
Posted by joyful on November 5, 2010, 9:27 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith
10/3 - Jon felt the baby kick!  Since then, Jonathan and Faith have thought maybe they felt it.  If the kids were ever up when I was still in bed but awake in the morning, they would definitely be able to feel it. 10/3 - Noah counted to 20 on his own.  He is most comfortable... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 23, 2010, 8:38 am
Category: Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith
This morning, we drove up to the birth clinic where Jonathan and Noah were born.  Their midwife has retired (she wanted to before Noah was born, but actually did right before Faith was born) and her daughter has taken over the job.  We had met C before, when she was helping out her... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 7, 2010, 1:32 pm
Category: Pregnancy
Inspired by an article in Family Fun magazine, I developed a fun motivator for bedtime cleanup that really works.  Before, there would be lots of complaining, dilly-dallying and nagging.  Now the house is clean every night before bed and the job is done quickly!  Here's how it... (More)
Posted by joyful on September 25, 2010, 6:32 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith
We cooked bacon and pancakes (I found a nifty plastic pint jug in Walmart or somewhere that you simply pour water into the jug, shake it up, and pour it on the griddle) for breakfast, and then packed up and planned to meet for lunch at Great Falls, 15 miles away. Heather went back to... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 5:26 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith
As I looked at the maps for the third day, we were going to be biking near various battlefields and other tourist-type places to visit, and so in the interest of resting a little, I decided we should drive for a ways and then maybe bike in the afternoon. We drove from Williamsport... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 5:25 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith
I've wanted to bike to DC for a while, but there never seemed like a good opportunity to do so.  Once we purchased the tandem bike, and started thinking about the possibility of biking all over the country, the Washington trip seemed like a good first step. The trip did get... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 4:39 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith
As Heather mentioned , it did take us a while to get this post written, but I thought it would be good to have a record of it, so here goes... Each year for the last several years, Paul has organized a two day bike trip for the kids of BCF.  This year, we drove to Rockwood, PA... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 20, 2010, 2:43 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith
Cycles did not return after the miscarriage, and that along with other symptoms leads me to conclude that I am pregnant again.  The due date I am calling March 1. (I don't really think I can count the miscarriage as LMP and I have reason to believe that ovulation was a week later anyway.)... (More)
Posted by joyful on July 7, 2010, 10:59 am
Category: Pregnancy
6/11 - We planted more seeds in our garden.  Faith helped me plant beans and she very carefully placed the seed in the hole and gently covered it with soil.   It was so sweet to see her tender care. I discovered a robin's nest in the bush outside our bathroom... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 29, 2010, 8:51 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith
6/1 - Noah's use of /f/ in everyday speech has increased immensely and he now uses it in a substitution.  3 = "free" 6/1 - Jonathan cut Faith's bangs "because she asked me to."  Forgot that part about asking Mom or Dad...  He actually did a good... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 10, 2010, 4:22 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith
I noticed recently that Armstrong upgraded our connection to the internet from home. We now get 10Mbps download and 1.5Mbps upload.  We still pay a little less than $40/month.  We would use a faster upload connection if we had it, but we rarely find servers that will let us download... (More)
Posted by jondaley on May 31, 2010, 7:30 pm
Category: Reviews
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