As some of you know, we have been looking for a house for the last couple of months, and we think we have found one!  I asked a couple guys from church to come look at it today, and give their thoughts, and they generally approved.  Someday, I'll probably make the kitchen nicer (ie. an addition out the back) but for now, Heather says it is okay, and we'll make what the realtor called the "master" bedroom an office, and we'll sleep upstairs, which solves a space crunch issue for our bedroom.

Posted by Jon Daley on March 8, 2008, 8:23 pm | Read 5360 times | Comments (11)
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2/9 - Jonathan: "What does special mean?" I say something about someone/thing that someone cares for. "How much do you care for me?" Well, I don't think I can really measure that. "Well, you may care for me abundantly.(More)

Posted by Heather Daley on March 5, 2008, 7:43 pm | Read 3476 times | Comments (2)
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I had meant to post that the trial was going to be on March 17th, but I just found out that it has been postponed until September 22.  So, more waiting.  Crazy.
Posted by Jon Daley on March 4, 2008, 12:12 pm | Read 3975 times | Comments (2)
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Shortly after I posted the first analysis of my time, I realized that my hours per day calculation were kind of off, since I was counting 7 day weeks, and I basically never work on Sundays.  As I am redoing the calculations, I see that I must have been doing something strange to try get the days to line up correctly - ie. I restart the worklog in the middle of a day usually, and so I must have tried to move some hours to the previous month, rather than reporting the same day twice, but as far as I can tell, I can't do arithmetic correctly.  So, here are the revised numbers: 

November: 7.6 hours/day
December: 6.6 hours/day
January: 6.6 hours/day
February: 6.9 hours/day

Posted by Jon Daley on March 4, 2008, 11:58 am | Read 15665 times | Comments (14)
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