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I realized this morning that we didn't ever post about going to the Pasteriks a month ago or so. Jonathan had lots of fun with the animals, but what I thought was neat is that he figured out how to climb up the ladder to go down the slide.Unfortunately, the grass was pretty wet, so his diaper... (More)
Posted by jondaley on May 31, 2005, 10:02 am
Category: Jonathan
The chicks have started preening themselves. I opened the smaller panel. It would be a nice view except that the outside is very dirty with last year's (and maybe this years') droppings. It's not so great for looking and abysmal for the camera. I waffle back and forth between which panel to... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 27, 2005, 4:02 pm
Category: General
A co-worker purchased this game which is kind of fun, and I found the Darth Vader version on Yishan's blog . (More)
Posted by jondaley on May 25, 2005, 12:11 pm
Category: Internet
Jonathan is saying new words so quickly now that it is impossible to keep track of them. Here are a few highlights from the past week. I once overheard a neighbor boy across the street complain to his aunt, "That baby is so annoying, he just keeps saying 'hi.' " But the other day, Jonathan did... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 25, 2005, 10:23 am
Category: Jonathan
In the Electronic Engineering Times this week: The skills needed to defeat Bowser are similar to those required of laparoscopic surgeons, contends Dr. James Rosser, developer of a videogame for surgical trainees."There is, indeed, a positive correlation between videogaming and increased hand-eye... (More)
Posted by jondaley on May 3, 2005, 10:00 am
Category: Reviews
The other night when it was time to say, "good night" to Daddy, Jonathan kept leaning over for kisses, and once even pursed his lips the right way! The other day, I sneezed and he repeated, "ah-djoo!" This morning, he sneezed, I said, "God bless you" and he repeated, "bess you." (More)
Posted by joyful on April 8, 2005, 9:08 am
Category: Jonathan
We have a neighbor a few doors down who is almost the same age as Jonathan. Today Justin and his mom and Jonathan and I were outside playing at the same time. Justin has a little Power Wheels vehicle that is designed for kids under three. It has one button to push on the handlebars and it can... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 7, 2005, 10:36 pm
Category: Jonathan
Friday evening, Jonathan was cranky, he fell asleep early, and he felt hot. I wondered if it might be an ear infection because his right ear had been squeaking when he nursed. In the middle of the night, I remembered that fever is a common reaction to the MMR vaccine, usually occuring 7-12 days... (More)
Posted by joyful on March 22, 2005, 4:21 pm
Category: Jonathan
My new server arrived last week, and it came preconfigured with Gentoo, so it booted up, and I checked it out, but I really want a Debian system, so tonight is my second attempt at getting it to install. The first attempt failed miserably, but...I had been having trouble with my usual installer,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on March 17, 2005, 11:34 pm
Category: Reviews
Grammy decided that it would be fun to go to the Children's Museum , and boy was she right! This place is so so so so fun. There's so much stuff to do and explore, for ages infant to 100! Now that Grammy got us introduced, I think Jonathan and I will go often, by ourselves and with friends.... (More)
Posted by joyful on March 1, 2005, 2:44 pm
Category: Jonathan
Jonathan loves to watch the garbage truck come down the street and pick up the trash. This morning, we spent 25 minutes standing at the window, watching the world, waiting for the truck, watching the truck, and learning new things. Every once in a while, I would notice that a smaller truck,... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 10, 2005, 3:37 pm
Category: General, Reviews
That bottom right canine finally showed itself. Jonathan has had a cold for the past several days, which makes sleeping tough and also diapers. Stuffy/runny nose and diarrhea are no fun for baby or parents. After washing all the diaper covers every day for the past several days, I have decided... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 7, 2005, 11:25 am
Category: Jonathan
Today's comic in Jon's Dilbert page-a-day calendar has Dogbert saying "Hello, this is Dogbert's All-Natural and Holistic Tech Support. . .Try stuffing tree bark in the CD drive and meditating. . . No, of course it won't damage anything, it's all natural!" As anyone who knows us knows, we're quite... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 5, 2005, 2:25 pm
Category: General, Reviews
This will be specifically a Jonathan update, with a post about our Daley family vacation soon to come. January 20 - Says "hi" January 21 - Jonathan was reading his five languages book to himself. When he got to the Good bye, Train page, he waved and said, "bye-bye." Signs "water" - we... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 25, 2005, 5:55 pm
Category: Jonathan
Today was full of Jonathan doing amazing things, but I'll start with Sunday, on which he walked to the store and back, only being carried across a street once when the traffic was too busy - the other streets he crossed himself, holding on to Daddy's hand. Today, when I asked him to give me the... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 4, 2005, 9:38 pm
Category: Jonathan
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