Search Results: saturday

Recently, Jonathan has liked to sit in his little chair with his guitar, strumming and singing, "I love Mommy. She is beautiful. I love Mommy." Now there's a sweet Valentine! On Thursday I was uploading the pictures from the camera, which turned out to be a big job because there were still... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 13, 2006, 1:40 pm
Category: Jonathan
Christmas Eve, we went to a church family's party and then had a candlelight service at church. Christmas Day, there was no service (we meet in a school and they didn't want to make the janitor work on Christmas) so we had the day at home. We woke up and opened stockings (sample toothpaste for... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 7, 2006, 5:19 pm
Category: General
Jonathan has been saying, "I'm very happy!" "I'm glad" and similar phrases. He can sing Rock A Bye Baby for the most part and he likes to rock his teddy bear ("Rock a bye teddy bear") and baby Joseph and also to have us rock him. I'm going to attempt to write it the way it sounds because it is... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 13, 2005, 4:54 pm
Category: Jonathan
This will be short because there is catch-up to do. Saturday we went shopping for Thanksgiving dinner and apple picking. Jonathan slept through the whole apple picking trip, even though his car seat was placed in a wagon that got a very bumpy ride through the orchard. We picked a half-bushel... (More)
Posted by joyful on October 24, 2005, 4:30 pm
Category: General
Saturday, Jonathan started counting to 4 consisently and then went up to 6 a few times. Now he consistently counts to 6, and if you say 7 he will then say, 8,9 and sometimes 10. Also on Saturday, he walked downstairs all by himself, only using his hand on the wall for balance - but he walked, no... (More)
Posted by joyful on September 13, 2005, 1:16 pm
Category: Jonathan
I happened to check my logs this evening and discovered that a spammer had tried to send one of my clients a few emails over the weekend. Only 100,000 or so. He was being blocked via an RBL, but that still takes up resources, so I manually blocked his IP address, as well as ran a ping -f -s... (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 27, 2005, 6:34 pm
Category: Internet
This was quite the weekend of the sailboat. Saturday's adventures pale in comparison to Sunday's, but I want to write them down anyway. After lunch on Saturday, we headed out to Moraine State Park, where we have never sailed before. It is about an hour away, but it has a nice big lake. We... (More)
Posted by joyful on August 25, 2005, 1:20 pm
Category: General
On Saturday evening we were at a reception for a friend's baptism and Jonathan and I headed outside for some play. It was dusk and the fireflies started appearing. I caught some to show Jonathan and he loved them. Then to my surprise, he said, "I got it, firefly!" and sure enough, he had... (More)
Posted by joyful on July 5, 2005, 1:47 pm
Category: Jonathan
On Saturday while we were hanging around on CMU campus for Carnival, Jonathan signed "Daddy." We were at the top of the hill by the tennis courts, talking to a friend, and our kids were playing down at the bottom of the hill. I saw Jonathan signing for Daddy, and he was thrilled to answer the... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 19, 2005, 8:08 am
Category: Jonathan
For lunch on Saturday we had pasta with red sauce. Jonathan had it all over his fingers when he signed "please" and smeared sauce all over his shirt! (More)
Posted by joyful on March 14, 2005, 8:47 am
Category: Jonathan
He has his top right tooth now! Just finished breaking through on Saturday. He has bitten me a couple of times, but I yelled "ouch" and then firmly said "no biting." So hopefully he'll get the connection soon. (More)
Posted by joyful on June 14, 2004, 12:00 pm
Category: Jonathan
For a while he has been "almost there." Saturday, we went to William Kuhns' 4th birthday party, and the balloons were enticing! The moms there agreed that you could really call it crawling - the cross-pattern, moving forward. Definitely still unpolished and not very smooth... (More)
Posted by joyful on June 13, 2004, 8:32 pm
Category: Jonathan
Jonathan has two teeth! They are his bottom front ones. The left one came in two Saturdays ago, and the right one last Saturday. We can see them when we look in his mouth now - when he lets us look! (More)
Posted by joyful on May 17, 2004, 9:17 pm
Category: Jonathan
Judy is still in jail, held over the weekend for a variety of delays and other "mistakes" such as: the guy who takes the bail isn't here today the guy who does the psychological evaluation doesn't work on Saturdays the guy who does the psychological evaluations decided not to work on... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 25, 2004, 9:00 pm
Category: Isaac
We have been doing pretty good, after the inquest day was over, things got a lot better, and I think we could relax some, and not be so stressed -- although, even as I write this, I realize my shoulders are tense. Somewhat unrelated side-note (related just because it is about babies!) John and... (More)
Posted by jondaley on February 16, 2003, 8:00 pm
Category: Isaac
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